Herpay Péter Gábor (2021) The Supply Chains of MOL and PKN Orlen and their Comparison. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Research Concept My name is Péter Gábor Herpay, a student at Budapest Business School – Faculty of International Management and Business. Last semester student of the International Business and Economics programme, with the specialisation of International Business Development. The internal adviser I chose is Dr. Tölgyessy Péterné Sass Magdolna Ildikó, who is an associate professor at the Department of International Economics. I am introducing two Central and Eastern European giants', the MOL Group and PKN Orlen, in my thesis. I am analysing and comparing their supply chains with the industry's introduction and assessment based on the main research question of whether their supply chains are similar. In my opinion, it is essential to know, as a Hungarian, how to do the MOL work in general and what could be the similarity and difference between another Eastern Central European company. MOL is the largest Hungarian company, and I have always been interested in how this company works and how the oil industry works in general due to my interest in the oil industry since I was a child. Its history is also fascinating, as the company's final form is made out of several merged Hungarian companies. Moreover, as Hungary was part of the Soviet Union, where every company was state-owned, it changed to a partly state-owned company after the transition. The other company I chose is PKN Orlen, the Polish oil giant. Both in size and activities are incredibly similar to MOL; they are highly active in all the segments of the supply chain. As I was reading their functionality structure, I realised that their supply chains', their background, and their ownership structure are similar. Poland was also the part of the Soviet Union and went through the matching process as MOL did. This is the reason why I chose this company.The main aim of the thesis will be collecting information about the companies' supply chains, how those are precisely working. To know what their exact activities are. In the following research, I will be finding answers for specific questions regarding the oil industry itself, regarding the MOL Group and its supply chain, about the PKN Orlen and its supply chain, and concerning the two companies' similarity, competitiveness. How can the supply chain of the two Central and Eastern European oil giants', MOL and PKN Orlen, be characterised? What are the similarities and differences between their supply chains? How can their competitiveness be described? I am doing in-depth research in their official reports and other available articles regarding them to know how their supply chains' exactly are working and what their activities are. Furthermore, I am introducing the supply chains of the oil industry as well, and I am doing my data collection based on that. As far as I am concerned, their official reports are containing detailed data of their given year's performance and services.The analysation will be conducted using the method of value chain analysis, where the parts of the supply chain are divided. Procurement is the Upstream, Inbound and Outbound Logistics is related to both Midstream and Upstream. Operations, Sales and even Services are related to the Downstream. Moreover, to understand their current situation, I am analysing the competitiveness by using mixing the value chain examination with Michael Porter's Five Forces. The Five Forces concept helps in simple, but also a straightforward way to describe the competitiveness of both companies'. By using these methods adequate research can be conducted to give answers to the research questions. I am dividing my thesis into six main parts, which is excluding the introduction and conclusion:I am giving an insight into the general characteristics of the oil industry, where I am introducing the three supply chains segments, and informing the reader what the main activities are in each branch. The thesis will inform the reader of MOL's background and main characteristics, the ownership structure and last, but not least, the most important and longest part is the introduction in very details of the MOL's supply chain activities, to have a comparable data for the comparison. The dissertation is giving insight by the same factors as in the case of the MOL Group to the PKN Orlen, using the same features are indispensable to have comparable data. However, it also covers all of their activities. A short Methodology section conducted to inform the reader how I am applying Porter's Five Forces on my comparison. Competitive Analysis of the Oil Industry is a section where the thesis is giving an insight into the details of Porter's Five Forces in the oil industry. After that, I am explaining the characteristics of the value chain analysis in the oil industry and how I am dividing the parts of the supply chain. The final part, where I am comparing the given data and assessing the two companies. The topic covers several fields of my study, on a base level there can be found both Micro-, and Macroeconomics as we are talking about multinational companies, that are oligopolies. The methodology of the thesis is based on the topics, we learnt in Research Methodology. Many parts are connected to Marketing, Market Research, International Marketing, taking only into consideration Porter’s Five Forces. Moreover, many fields are covering the topics we learnt in International Logistics and Corporate Logistics Processes.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | ellátási lánc - ellátó hálózat, multinacionális vállalatok, olajipar, összehasonlító elemzés, versenykörnyezet |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2021. Már. 01. 13:03 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2021. Szep. 21. 11:39 |
URI: | http://dolgozattar.uni-bge.hu/id/eprint/28806 |
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