Renewable energy and its trade in Europe, specifically Germany

Horváth Flóra Annamária (2023) Renewable energy and its trade in Europe, specifically Germany. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

AbstractPurpose – This dissertation was developed to investigate and gain deeper insight into the renewable energy market in Germany and Europe. The objective of this research was to give a general overview of the energy market and to take a closer look at some interesting sectors. These areas include the history of renewable energy in Europe and Germany, the regulations and policies of the European Union in relation to sustainability and the technologies currently in use. The aim of this thesis is to find out whether European countries are able to switch from fossil fuels to renewable energy and whether renewable energy sources reduce environmentally harmful gas emissions. All in all, a deeper insight is given into all sectors related to the two hypotheses on which this dissertation is based, resulting in an entertaining, informative but not overwhelming overview of the renewable energy market in the European Union.Design/methodology/approach – The qualitative research approach served as the foundation for the dissertation study. It may be developed to produce fresh research concepts or to get profound insights into a situation. This dissertation is a non-experimental qualitative research project that includes historical investigation (literature review), a questionnaire (interview), the analysis of the survey's results and the two hypothesis implications derived from the literature review and the analysis of the questionnaire results. The key words for this qualitative research were, for example: renewable energies, solar energy, renewable energies in Germany, energy in the European Union, energy crisis, floating photovoltaic systems.Findings – With all of its benefits over fossil fuels, renewable energy must be harnessed, but doing so takes a very well-thought-out, intricate strategy that involves wide-ranging collaboration. As Europe comprises a large number of countries, it will be a complicated and lengthy process for all countries to work together towards a better and sustainable future in the energy sector. If even one component is out of balance, the entire plan will fail. The fact that renewable energy technology still generates a lot of doubts, such as about its long-term impact, is one of the factors, along with geographic and industrial limitations. It is therefore emphasised that renewable energy technology must be perfected and analysed so that it can form a solid basis for the countries' future energy plans.Originality/value/implications – This dissertation gives an overview of the current state of renewable energy in Europe and in Germany as well as the existing technologies and their uncertainties and potential successes. It discusses a few highlights from the energy market and introduces a type of renewable energy source that has been on the market for years but is rarely discussed outside of the renewable energy market. It outlines all relevant topics of the current renewable energy market in Europe and Germany and provides the sole basis for understanding the energy market in 2022-2023 and why and how it got there. This includes past and present regulations and policies enacted by the European Union or a specific country in favour of renewable energy and to encourage its use. Keywords – Renewable energy, Supply, Policy, Europe, Germany, European Union, Fossil, Photovoltaics, Energy Paper type – Dissertation for Masters in International Business at The University of Stirling and Budapest Business School.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi gazdaság és gazdálkodás (angol)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: energia, Európai Unió, kereskedelem, megújuló erőforrások, Németország
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Okt. 03. 13:41
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Okt. 03. 13:41

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