Evaluation Of Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals Of Hungary And Other Eastern European Countries

Pham Xuan Tung (2024) Evaluation Of Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals Of Hungary And Other Eastern European Countries. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

As society advances, we face more and more challenges along the way: we have to deal with pollution, climate change, inequality, etc. The environment has been damaged by mass production and by overpopulation. We face the extinction of animals and the disappearance of their habitats. We tried to fight inequality among humans, yet inequality still exists and, in some places, even increases. We have to make it equal between men and women, protect our resources while maintaining the stability of the economy, etc. And this problem occurs everywhere. Taking this into consideration, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, in 2015 as a worldwide call to action to eradicate poverty, protect the environment, and ensure that everyone lives in peace and prosperity by the year 2030.The seventeen Sustainable progress Goals (SDGs) are interrelated; they recognize that actions taken in one domain will affect other domains and that progress has to balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability. This has created a ranking between countries with better performance. However, what are the criteria for ranking among countries, as every country is different in culture, economic development level, geography, etc.? In this thesis, the figures retrieved from the database of the United Nations on SDGs from ten countries in the Eastern European region, including Bulgaria, Belarus, Czechia, Hungary, the Republic of Moldova, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Slovakia, and Ukraine, From that database, over one hundred and thirty figures were chosen to be cross-compared among these ten countries in order to create a rank of those countries among each other. This result is proof of several things. First of all, the data provided by the United Nations must be corrected and reliable for such calculations to be successful. Even though the data might not have been updated, due to the fact that conducting massive research on an indicator of a whole country can be difficult to manage, the data can still be helpful to understand the situation and serve the purpose of the study. Secondly, the indicator has proved to be a powerful tool to evaluate the performance of a country. There are now over two hundred different indicators for monitoring the process of the Sustainable Development Goals for each target of each goal. This has created a multidimensional database to compare, adjust, and plan future actions. Especially since the time is now more urgent than ever, as there are only six years before 2030. Having more indicators that serve a more suitable goal for each country is crucial. Thirdly, access to data is available to anyone, and anyone can benefit from research on the topic. This has created awareness of the situation and also created an objective view of the phenomenon. Having more reliable data accessible to everyone is helping the world. Lastly, even though in this research the method of calculation is simple, there are more places for better personnel with more resources to have another look at the problem, hence a better decision in the future. Throughout the research, despite the focus on the region over a certain country, it could be seen that Hungary did exceptionally well within the region, especially on goals 6 and 12. Hungary also has the highest level of medical aid related to gender equality. Currently, Hungary is in 22nd place; however, the future is bright for this country. If Hungary keeps the motives and the dynamics in action, it is foreseeable that the rank of this country will improve and possibly reach the reach the top of the region. For the future researcher, what can be improved? They could improve this model by simply using better calculations to compare the results and figures among the regions. Hence, a better view and better decision-making.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Kereskedelem és Logisztika Tanszék




Nemzetközi gazdálkodás

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: competitiveness (economics), development, Eastern- Europe, economics, Hungary, SDGs, sustainable development
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Szep. 26. 08:01
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Szep. 26. 08:01

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