Multifaceted Exploration of Naver - Focus on Cyberbullying, Suicides and Mitigation Strategies

Tsogbaatar Oyudari (2024) Multifaceted Exploration of Naver - Focus on Cyberbullying, Suicides and Mitigation Strategies. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

In my dissertation, I have chosen to provide comprehensive research on South Korea'slargest web portal named Naver, how it was created and developed by Naver Corporation,and its impact on information technology. Additionally, the research will deliver an in-depthstudy on the negative consequence of the emerging digital sector into online bullying, hate towardscelebrities, and driving individuals into taking their lives, thus, it is followed by the mitigation ofregulations and policies of Naver (with Korean government) regarding these matters. The research will allow us to delve through the methods and approaches of Naver inoverpowering correspondents (Kakao, Google, etc.) online platforms, relating to SouthKorean adaptation to digitization and platforms economy while gaining public trust in their online portal. Understanding the initial uncertainty and perspectives of the public followingthe emergence of internet usage and portals (especially Naver) will reveal the adoption ofmedia credibility by Korean citizens. By examining the role of cultural and entertainment segments, we will be able to analyze Korean pop and dramas' ascending popularity contribution to user engagement, drivingonline traffic, and the use of search engines, for instance. Nevertheless, with the rapiddevelopment in online platforms, as of 2023, cyber harassment, adolescent suicides, increasing web searches on self-injury,and self-destruction (connection with press reporting of celebrity suicides) accordingto data sustained from Naver, and the prevalence of online hate remarks and speeches emerged asthe most significant pressing challenges in South Korea, demanding swift control, regulatorymeasures, and expeditious resolution. In terms of the research methodology, my initial step involves conducting a thoroughsecondary data collection and analysis based on pertinent studies found in the literature,encompassing books and articles.Subsequently, to achieve a more nuanced understanding and undertake a paradigmaticinvestigation concerning Naver and social issues in South Korea, I administered a primarydata collection of an online survey from 45 Korean populace themselves with 17 questions, a combination of opinion-based and point-based options. Thus, a combination of online quantitative questionnaires’ close-ended questions with predefined response options to test the hypotheses and with qualitative questionnaires' open-ended questions to collect in-depth opinionated and narrative wording from respondents, I have generated 4 questions per segment (Naver, cyberbullying, suicide) and additional 5 inquiries for their knowledge and attitude.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Kommunikáció Tanszék




Kommunikáció és médiatudomány

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: cyberbullying, ICT, Naver, South Korea, Suicide
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Szep. 26. 07:58
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Szep. 26. 07:59

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