Conceptualization Efforts of The Tourism Development in The Republic of Moldova

Besiga Alexandra (2023) Conceptualization Efforts of The Tourism Development in The Republic of Moldova. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Currently, tourism is a highly profitable sector of the economy, and therefore the development of tourism activities in the world, and in particular in Moldova, is a very relevant topic, about which many scientific and practical works have been written. This paper examines some key aspects and concepts related to tourism development based on the existing literature. A significant number of scientific works, by both domestic and foreign authors, are devoted to the study of problems and prospects for the development of the tourism industry. In particular, the problems of using the tourist and recreational potential of the regions, organizing tourism activities, and attracting investment resources for the development of tourist and recreational complexes are reflected in many scientific studies. A leading role in the study of the formation and development of tourism was played by such researchers as Dennison Nash, Stendhal, Eric Cohen, Marie-François Lanfant, Dean MacCannell, Valene Smith, and others. The development of tourism plays an important role both in society and in the country's economy. Modern realities give reason to assert that the tourism services market is an essential element in the development of many countries around the world. The main aspects that influence the development of tourism activities in Moldova include the following: rich natural and cultural potential, historical heritage associated with different eras and cultures, including traces of ancient civilizations, medieval castles and fortresses, as well as cultural monuments. An important influence on the development of tourism in Moldova is the fact that Moldova is a wine-producing country. The choice of the topic "Conceptualization efforts of the tourism development in the Republic of Moldova" is relevant and justified for a number of reasons: · Tourism is an important sector of the economy, contributing to the creation of jobs, attracting investment and increasing government revenues; · The country's tourism activities contribute to the preservation and popularization of cultural heritage, traditions and national values; · The development of a concept for the development of tourism in Moldova will allow for the effective integration of cultural aspects into the tourism product, which in turn will strengthen the national identity; · The development and implementation of a tourism development concept helps to increase public awareness of the country's tourism opportunities, which in turn stimulates domestic tourism. Aim. The research of natural, cultural, historical and other resources that make Moldova attractive to tourists and influence the concept of development of tourism activities in the country. This will allow a better understanding of what types of tourism can be successfully developed and what unique advantages can be used. Research objectives: · Studying the evolution of the tourism industry · Analysis of trends and problems in the modern tourism industry · Characteristics of the strategy for the development of tourism activities · Study of the impact of tourism on the national economy · Study on the development of tourism activities in Moldova · Analysis of studies on the state of tourism in Moldova · Prospects for the development of tourism activities in Moldova. The research method – interview . It is a tool for obtaining quality information and developing a deep understanding of the object of study, namely, tourism development in Moldova. Analyzing the data obtained during the interview process, it became clear that the Republic of Moldova, as a tourist destination, has rich potential for its visitors. Tourism has every opportunity to improve the state's balance of payments by increasing the export of tourism services. The country's tourism product is a complex of the natural environment and the environment created by man. The Republic of Moldova is a small country with a huge variety of tourist attractions located within a short distance from the main cities - accommodation centers. Moldova has many anthropological attractions and natural reserves. A large number of historical and architectural monuments are distributed on the national territory, which sufficiently motivates tourist trips. Unfortunately, the rather high degree of degradation of the commons makes it unattractive. The following can be identified as disadvantages: leisure as part of travel service packages has been developed insignificantly; entertainment events are not permanent; there is no annual calendar of entertainment events and activities. After conducting the study, it can be seen that the tourism potential of the Republic of Moldova has not been fully revealed and more attention should be paid to this industry, as well as work to ensure that the tourism product of Moldova is competitive. Although the number of tourists entering the country is growing, their numbers remain small. The promotion of tourism and the development of the necessary infrastructure should be a priority for Moldova, in the direction of which it is necessary to work to increase the tourist attractiveness of the country.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Turizmus Tanszék





Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: economic development, marketing, Moldova, tourism, Tourism development, Tourism infrastructure
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Júl. 15. 10:22
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Júl. 15. 10:23

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