Soft skills in the luxury hotel industry – a case study about employee training in hotel Kempinski.

Opauszki Kata Erika (2024) Soft skills in the luxury hotel industry – a case study about employee training in hotel Kempinski. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Opauszki Kata Erika (HCEEL2) - Soft skills in the luxury hotel industry – a case study about employee training in hotel Kempinski.pdf
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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The main goal of the research has been to identify the most important skills that luxury hotel employees should have and to examine the ongoing training possibilities at the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus Budapest. With my thesis, I would like to get an up-to-date insight into what tourism graduates can face if they apply for an internship or full-time job in one of Budapest’s luxury hotels.The following research questions have been proposed to get a clear picture of the situation employees face while working in five-star hotels.RQ1: What are the most important soft skills in the luxury hotel industry?RQ2: How does Kempinski in Budapest develop its employees and what kind of trainingpossibilities does it provide?RQ3: What are the advantages of training from the perspective of Kempinski Budapest hotel workers?RQ4: Which is the most beneficial module in the Kempinski Budapest Supervisor Training according to the attendants?RQ5 To what extent do Kempinski hotel trainees feel prepared for their job by the university regarding soft skills?The motivation behind the chosen topic is my personal experience of soft skill development in the European luxury hotel industry by the Kempinski hotel chain. This multinational brand does its absolute best to prepare its employees for being part of a leading hotel community and for the expectations coming with providing such a high level of service.My thesis is a case study, in which I have investigated the Kempinski in Budapest, and the focus has been on the education and practice provided by the hotel itself to its employees. In this case study, I have applied qualitative research methods by using written and oral interviews to gain as much information and aspects as possible.For the research, five oral interviews have been hosted with selected workers of the Kempinski Hotel. Furthermore, five written interviews have been conducted to measure the effectiveness of the Supervisor training. The data collection happened between January and March 2024 with the acknowledgement and approval of the hotel’s management and the beyond-generous help of the hotel’s Training and Quality Manager.The interviews have revealed that the most important soft skills in this industry are communication, problem-solving and teamwork. Communication is especially important in the case of a hotel, communicating respectfully and elaborately has key importance while serving guests. Empathy and emotional intelligence have been highly regarded while working with people as well, as the hotel staff should understand the guest’s feelings to fulfil wishes and solve complaints. It has been stated that guests “feel it when behind the reception desk there is somebody who does care about their problems”.The Kempinski brand significantly contributes to the development of employees with several training opportunities chain-wide and at the hotel level. These opportunities have been praised not only by the management but by the employees as well.The research has declared that the interns of the Kempinski Budapest are all well-prepared regarding soft skills, however, this preparedness had not been connected directly to their university education.The most important lesson of this thesis is that nowadays soft skills are more and more recognised than hard skills, and a person needs to attain a wide variety of soft skills while having a university degree. To master these soft skills, the person has to be open to self-development and willingly take part in these opportunities for their own good. It is essential to participate in extra courses or training sessions outside of university as they would be beneficial in the future.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Turizmus Tanszék





Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Budapest, case studies, luxury hotel, qualitative research, soft skills
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Júl. 15. 10:02
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Júl. 15. 10:02

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