Research on Wealth Planning and Wealth Management in China

Zhang Hanting (2023) Research on Wealth Planning and Wealth Management in China. Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Abstract With the growth of China's social economy and the continuous accumulation of family wealth, people are paying more and more attention to wealth planning and wealth management. People need professional services to achieve financial goals, including value-added wealth, estate planning, and risk management, to ensure Financial security at every stage. In recent years, Chinese people have increased their demand for wealth planning and wealth management industries, and this market will usher in a broader development space. Therefore, wealth planning and management face greater challenges in meeting the diverse needs of customers. This article takes the impact of wealth planning and wealth management on China as an example to study the importance of wealth planning and management in China and conducts an in-depth analysis of the various impacts. The article first introduces the background of the research and explains the differences and concepts of wealth planning and wealth management. Secondly, its evolution and theory are introduced. Then, the impact of wealth planning and management on various situations in China was introduced in detail. Wealth management and wealth planning assist mass clients, wealth clients, high-net-worth clients, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals alike. After the COVID-19 epidemic, people's economy is not growing very well and many people are even in debt. Therefore, wealth planning and wealth management professionals must carry out reasonable planning and better allocate money to relieve people's economic pressure. Wealth management and planning also play a key impact on people's retirement plans and savings. Making retirement plans early allows people to achieve their retirement goals and enjoy life as early as possible. Wealth management and wealth planning also have an important impact on the life cycle. People have different plans for each stage from the single stage to the family formation stage to the family growth stage to the family maturity stage, and finally to the family decline stage. Let people not be troubled at every stage and period and find a plan that suits them. Next, it is also introduced that wealth management and planning are very important for teenagers in China. Through reasonable planning, teenagers can achieve their future wealth goals, improve their living standards, and have less stress in their future lives. Then it also discussed the important impact of tax planning on corporate financial management. Professionals from financial management institutions will optimize and improve the shortcomings in tax planning to ensure that tax planning can maximize its impact. It provides sufficient funds for the development of the enterprise and enables the enterprise to develop in the long term. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages caused by the influence of Chinese culture are explained. At the end of this article, we discuss how China's wealth planning and wealth management should develop in the future give suggestions, and summarize the current situation of wealth planning and wealth management in China. By introducing the impact of China's wealth planning and wealth management, and analyzing its existing problems and causes, we will put forward our suggestions for the development of China's wealth planning and wealth management.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar


Pénzügy Tanszék




Pénzügy és Számvitel


Konzulens neve
Konzulens típusa
Beosztás, tudományos fokozat, intézmény
Pan Min
Dr. habil. Sági Judit
egyetemi docens; Pénzügy Tanszék; PSZK

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: finance, income, investment, management, tax
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Jún. 28. 10:31
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Jún. 28. 10:31

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