Buzoianu Claudia Narcisa (2023) From High Streets to Home Screens: A Study of Digitalization’s Impact on Consumer Behaviour in the European Fashion Retail Sector During the Pandemic of COVID-19. Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Following the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, businesses in a wide variety of industries have been confronted with challenges that are both industry-specific and universal in nature. Retail industry as a whole has suffered the consequences of the measures that had to be taken to slow down the infection’s continuous spreading, particularly the fashion industry in Europe, where the limitations for this paper have been drawn. In response to the pandemic, a large number of brick-and-mortar retailers, were forced to close their doors temporarily or permanently. This caused disruptions in supply networks and altered the behaviour of customers. Digitization was the primary recovery technique that the sector used in response to these challenges, and the paper divulges on the main differences of physical and online shopping behaviour. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the several ways in which digitalization has impacted the recovery process as well as the future of the fashion retail business, including the behaviour of consumers. In order to get an understanding of how the future is going to be shaped, a look at past events, such as the dawn of fashion retail, and how covid-19 came to be, are also analysed, including the industry giants who have either managed to keep with digitalisation, or have fallen victim to the pandemic. Digitalization is assisting the fashion retail sector in its recovery, it is necessary to do a thorough examination of the industry's capacity to adjust to and persevere through significant changes. Over the last several years, the market for buying clothes has seen a significant transformation, moving away from traditional brick-and-mortar stores and face-to-face interactions. Due to the fact that this transition has an impact on how we locate, engage with, and wear new items following the pandemic, it is imperative that both workers in the fashion business and customers acknowledge its significance. The decision to analyse fashion retail came easy - because of the distinctive combination of creative, commercial, and consumer culture that the fashion sector has. Fashion is a reflection of individual taste, the actions of corporations, and the ideas of society. This thesis will investigate both the short-term and long-term implications of this technological transition, which has been detrimental to the recovery of the fashion retail sector. There will be an examination of the introduction of e-commerce and the comfortable lack of contact, as well as the questions of whether hybrid shopping, which involves purchasing clothes both online and offline, has become more popular, whether people's stylistic choice has shifted to something more comfortable, and what limits the ability of digitalization to replace physical shopping. Due to the fact that these topics naturally demand a high number of participants, the qualitative research questionnaire was circulated in order to collect a huge pool of opinions. During the course of this research, my primary objective is to establish how the industry has evolved since the COVID-19 outbreak, how resilient it is, and how digitalization has contributed to the reconstruction of the sector and customer behaviour. One of my primary concerns, which also serves as the centre of the article, is "How will this change the behaviour of consumers?"
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Menedzsment Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Consumer behavior, Covid-19, digitalisation, e-commerce, fashion retail |
SWORD Depositor: | User Archive |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | User Archive |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2024. Máj. 14. 08:09 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2024. Máj. 14. 08:09 |
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