Pádár Bernadett (2016) The economic and social effects of migration in Germany. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The theme of my thesis is the current ongoing migration in Germany, concentrating on the economic and social effects of it in the country. In these days, this theme is one of the most important ones in Europe as the crisis still has not finished. I chose this topic due to two reasons. First of all, this problem is daily, current in Germany and has a significant effect on the economy, society, politics and demography. Secondly, it has an impact on our country, on Hungary, because the shortest continental way leads to Germany through Hungary and probably later the division of refugees will have an effect on us. I considered it important to deal with this topic as we can have a deeper insight in the biggest refugee wave since the World War II. This thesis is not just a description but also a holistic approach, an analysis which helps to understand better the whole process of migration, the situation of the country and also its impacts on the German economy and society. Firstly, in the first chapter, I wrote generally about the migration in Germany. I detailed the definition, history, reason of the migration, from where the migrants came from including also theirs exact route to the country. Thereafter, I moved to the biggest chapter of the dissertation which is about the present situation of the population migration. It was essential to mention Germany’s Chancellor; Angela Merkel, as her decisions has capital importance in the refugee policy. She welcomed the refugees in the hope of that migrants will help on the demographic problems as the country has an aging population. Her main idea is the quota system which is about the fixed number of migrants that Europe can accept. She is still trying to persuade the other member states about her principle, as most of them do not agree with Merkel’s idea. We cannot forget about that this global problem effected also the population of Germany. I tried to collect the reaction of the people about the refugee crisis but I could not get a united stand as they do not dare to express their own opinions. Finally, I tried to describe and analyse the economic and social effects of migration in the Federal Republic of Germany the more clearly, understandable and detailed as much as I could. This was not an easy task as these effects are only guesses and estimations and still it is the question of the future that how the great inflow of refugees will affect the German economy and society. I analysed the economic effects of the migration at the two most important fields: labour market and public finances. It turned out that applying the migrants at the labour market will be a big challenge as most of them are unskilled. It will cost more billion euros to Germany to solve this problem. The country has to invest in trainings and language courses too. In 2015, Germany has already spent 21 billion euros to supply the refugees and obviously the expenses of the government will increase year by year. Economists do not believe that immigration will have benefits on the economy as the refugees do not wish to work and they also cost huge amounts of money. The social effects were analysed at three parts: demography, pension and social integration. Germany hopes that refugees will help on its demographic problems with the growing number of migrants due to the population of the country is aging significantly. As the population is decreasing, workforce will be smaller leading to a smaller tax base which will affect the retirement system and the health care. However, I had to determine that the social integration of the migrants is neither an easy task as the German population and the migrants have to be equalized at the fields of culture, employment, education, language, religion and trainings. I hope that I could give a comprehensive and extensive characterization of the current situation of migration in Germany. The events of migration changing very fast so according to my opinion it deserves to follow the happenings after this too because once we will get a final decision about the refugee crisis.
Magyar cím
A migráció gazdasági és szociális hatásai Németországban.
Angol cím
The economic and social effects of migration in Germany.
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola
Nemzetközi és Európa Tanulmányok Intézeti Tanszék
Nemzetközi Gazdálkodás (angol nyelvű)
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Migráció, Németország, Bevándorlás, Bevándorlási politika, Magyarország, Menekültügy |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Hegedűsné Orbán Éva |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2016. Máj. 04. 08:42 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2017. Már. 28. 10:27 |
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