Nguyen Thanh Thuy Trang (2023) China’s digital diplomacy on Twitter: Users’ perception on the Belt and Road Initiative. Külkereskedelmi Kar. (Kéziratban)
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
In an era defined by the ascendancy of soft power and digital diplomacy, the role of social media platforms has become increasingly pivotal in shaping the narratives of nations on the global stage. Concerns over Chinese public diplomacy, soft power, and how it is received in various regions through broadcasts, online media, and printed news have been previously addressed by researchers. However, limited attention has been given to how social media users interact with and respond to China's digital diplomacy efforts on these online platforms. Considering the importance that China attaches to the Beltand Road Initiative (BRI), this paper attempts to answer three research questions: 1)What is the prevalence and geographic spread of tweets and retweets related to the BRI?2)What are the primary topics covered in BRI-related tweets?3)What are the common reactions ofTwitter’s users to the BRI?To achieve this goal, the paper adopts a mixed methods approach that incorporates both quantitative and qualitative methods. The paper employed an online dataset collected through the Twitter API from September 7, 2013, to November 30, 2021. The data is then processed and annotated by applying text mining tools by researchers. Given the vast volume of data collected in the database, the paper also applies Structured Query Language (SQL) and the R programming language to answer research questions. The study also uses information derived from primaryandsecondary data collection and personal contextual knowledge to address the research questions regarding China's digital diplomacy.The findingshow that while not achieving exceptionally high levels of popularity, Chinese efforts on Twitter regarding BRI have been successful in continuously producing BRI-related content. Furthermore, these initiatives have effectively stimulated users from diverse regions worldwide to participate in discussions and express their critical ideas on BRI-related subjects. Secondly, by analysing hashtags and applying topic modelling in 2017 and 2019 BRF, the paper also shed light into primary topics revolving BRI. These hashtags indicate a keen interest in the initiative's economic implications; its potential impact on global trade and finance. Also, the hashtags emphasize geographical and infrastructural elements. Along with positive topics, there are still many Twitter users expressing their critical opinion on the challenges and concerns of BRI such as debt trap and trade war. Thirdly, the transition from predominantly positive and neutral sentiments during the first Belt and Road Forum in 2017 to more critical discussions during the second forum in 2019 demonstrates an evolvingperception of Twitter users.Overall, Twitter users express favorable responses to the Belt and Road Initiative on this online platform. The engagement of influential China-related users on Twitter played a crucial role in shaping the narrative and sentiment around the BRI. Analyzing sentiment trends and the engagement of influential users highlights the dynamic character of digital diplomacy and underscores the vital role of social media in influencing global perceptions of BRI.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
Nemzetközi tanulmányok (angol)
Mű típusa: | TDK dolgozat |
Kulcsszavak: | .NET Framework, 3D nyomtatás, 3G, accounting information systems, kábeltelevízió |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2024. Már. 22. 12:53 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2024. Már. 22. 12:53 |
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