Betancourt Arguello Raúl Eduardo (2016) From the fallacy of sameness to the ideal of a heterogeneous integration : Latin America in the global economic world in the XXI'st century. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The propose of this thesis is to analyze the effectiveness and relevance of different regional integration model that has been proliferating in Latin-America since the turn of millennium. It has been argued that the proliferation and overlapping of regional organizations in Latin-America responds to s sui generis logic of social (re-)constructing the region and to activate effective means of cooperation and interaction in diversity. The thesis is composed by four chapters, each of them answering to a specific characteristic of the process of regionalism in Latin-America, and raising further questions to be discussed. In this respect, the thesis is structured as a funnel; advancing from the most general aspects to the specific objectives of the report. Chapter one Regional Integration? Pluridisciplinary perspectives in the search of a conceptual definition is an introductory approach to the phenomenon of integration, discussing the historical context that originated the notion of the concept until its modern understanding with the formation of the European Union. Selected relevant perspectives of regional integration are described, namely (neo-) functionalism, neorealism, structuralism and constructivism. The chapter concludes with the discussion about which approach could better be adapted to the Latin-American reality. In this respect, the constructivism approach seems to be the most flexible approach to build conceptual and theoretical tools for understanding the Latin-American process of integration. Chapter two from the fallacy of sameness to the ideal of a heterogeneous integration. The Latin-American attempts for regional integration is a critical deconstruction of the traditional connotation of the concept of Latin-America. It has been argued that having similar languages, religions, history and common practices does not necessary mean the heterogeneity of the region. Each Latin-American country is proud and jealous of their own cultural heritage and sovereignty, which makes more complex the process of regional harmonization. The chapter concludes with a notion of the failure of the OAS and the Washington Consensus to respond to the regional logics of Latin-America, and the need of approaching to the social construction of the region, and its integration, by means of its own heterogeneity. Chapter three The social construction of Latin-America as a region arrives to the context of the turn to the left of Latin-American countries and the weakened hegemony of the United States. It has been discussed if this context has contributed to the social construction of Latin America as a region and the role of UNASUR and CELAC in constructing a new imagined identity as Latin-Americans, and of a social imagined community, the region as a peace zone. Chapter four Latin-America regional integration in the global economic world in the XXIst century is a conclusive section, which summarize the collected knowledge and information in previous chapters to analyze the current regional architecture in Latin-America. It has been argued that the proliferation of regional organization does not necessary mean a regional fragmentation nor a context of antagonism and conflicts among each other. On the contrary, recent evidence shows that the different regional organization, which had emerged after the turn of millennium, trends to create a wider understanding of regional integration in the continent, where regional organizations cooperatively overlaps with each other. Finally, this report had concluded that the process of constructing the region is still in its initial phase. A common regional governance in the region has not been yet consolidated. Latin-America is still in the middle of its process of autognosis, defining what does it wants to become. The participation of a wide varieties of actors is playing a crucial role in socially constructing this definition, from where a Central Regional Organization could emerge, as a space for interaction among the very different regional organizations that currently exist, and which will probably continue proliferating. This report is the result of two years of gaining knowledge in International Relations through the participation in the part-time master program of International Studies of the Budapest Business School. Nevertheless, the time for researching about the specific problematic of this thesis was very short. Therefore, a lot of relevant bibliography was left unnoticed, which could have had contributed to a deeper understanding of the region. Nonetheless, a wide variety of literature was revised, fundamentally from recent publication dates and from academic-recognized sources. Strengths of this report are its innovative perspective and multidimensional approach to the object of study.
Angol cím
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola
Nemzetközi és Európa - tanulmányok Intézeti Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Világgazdaság, Latin-America, Globalizáció , 21. század , Integráció |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Turányi Nóra |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2016. Máj. 02. 12:21 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2017. Már. 30. 10:10 |
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