Financing and lending small and micro enterprises in Hungary through a commecial bank

Fodor Klarissza (2023) Financing and lending small and micro enterprises in Hungary through a commecial bank. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Small and medium-sized enterprises make up the largest percentage of businesses in Hungary. I can think of more than one person in my immediate environment who works in this field. I started my traineeship at Raiffeisen Bank in the summer of 2023 where, among many other tasks, I was given an insight into the workings of small businesses and was able to assist the desk officers.This is why I chose small business lending and financing as my subject. In recent times, financing a business has become increasingly difficult not to mention starting a new business. I am also interested in this topic because I would like to start my own business in the future, so this gives me a good basis to get a better overview of the opportunities in this country.In my thesis I would like to examine the situation of small entrepreneurs in Hungary. What kind of loans and grants they can use through the bank and follow this process throughout. Currently I am doing my internship at Raiffeisen's Pesterzsébet branch as an intern, supporting small business consultants within this framework. Thus, my daily days allow me to negotiate with clients and I perform some of the contact tasks. I had the opportunity to accompany the loan application process. In my thesis I would like to describe a Széchenyi loan investment process as a case study and to introduce its pitfalls. Since there are many entrepreneurs in my direct vicinity, I will present the process through the business of a client outside the bank. In my research, I talk to my small business colleagues and the above-mentioned entrepreneur about their experiences and insights in an in-depth interview, and thus I try to assess the situation of a company through the consultants of Raiffeisen Bank.First of all I would like to assess the situation of banks in Hungary to get an idea of their current situation and then, as I do my internship at Raiffeisen Bank, which is an excellent bank, I would like to show how they have been established and internationalised.I will then mention the definition of a business and how it is set up and the importance of equity capital. I would also provide information on the situation of small businesses in Hungary, how they are set up, where they draw their borders and what their situation is in Hungary. I also discuss the challenges that a business face. I will then look at the situation of small businesses in the banking sector, the options available to them and the forms of finance banks can provide for small businesses. I will describe the loan products available at Raiffeisen Bank and in particular I would like to go into more detail on the Széchenyi investment max + loan as we will see a case study on this later on, how the loan application process works. I also interviewed a business owner and one of my colleagues who works as a small business account manager at Raiffeisen bank zrt. and talked to them about the current economic situation, how the loan applications are handled and we looked at this from both sides and tried to get their opinions on how they could improve from both sides.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Kereskedelem és Logisztika Tanszék




Nemzetközi gazdálkodás

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: bank, bank loans, enterprise financing, financing and lending, micro, small and medium enterpsies
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Feb. 22. 10:32
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Feb. 22. 10:32

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