Economic and Political Relations between the United States and China - Rivalry or Partnership

Róna Andrea (2016) Economic and Political Relations between the United States and China - Rivalry or Partnership. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The subject of my thesis is to introduce the results of my researches about the relations between China and the United States. During my research, I discovered that there are two very strong opinions about China’s rise. One group of scholars thinks that China is already a real rival superpower to the United States and the country’s rise threats US global leadership position in Asia. Meanwhile the other group considers that the real challenge is not about protecting the position of the United States but dissuading China from regional aggression and encouraging the country to contribute to the global order at the same time. In my thesis through an objective SWOT analysis of China I introduce the reasons behind the two opinions and argue about why China is not powerful enough to be a global competitor of the United States; however it is already strong enough to destabilize East Asia and have influence on economic and political affairs worldwide. Despite China’s impressive economic achievements, the country faces enormous challenges, from the current economic structure through nationalism to domestic inequalities. I want to show how the challenges of China threat with domestic instability and how the challenges influence the Chinese Communist Party’s decisions on issues like maritime sovereignty disputes, global financial management, control of the Internet, climate change, and policies toward Taiwan. I want to prove that China benefited enormously from the current global order and has no reason to overthrow it. I want to argue that preserving these achievements should be the focus of both Washington and Beijing. Not just because of the economic interconnectedness but also because of the geopolitical regional potentials of China. Getting Beijing’s active cooperation in global governance is an essential issue because never before in the history has a developing country like China been in the position to contribute so much to international stability. But if China obstructed international efforts to confront nuclear proliferation, civil conflicts, financial instability and climate change, that would definitely hinder the country’s effort to stay on the path of economic developments. If China and the United States stumbled in fostering and developing their cooperation for global order, the problems would grow more complicated. The debate over how the United States should respond to the rise of China is usually based on the concept that with the rise of China there has been a power transition begun. In my thesis I want to prove that this premise is rather premature and probably wrong. My aim is to provide a clear analysis of China’s performance and the current Chinese-American relations. My intention is to make it evidence that China is far from being a peer competitor of the United States, although its reactive assertiveness presents a real risk of conflict, which has been and has to be countered by a strong US presence in Asia. This presence, however, must be balanced by assurances and by actions rather than by words, that the United States does not threaten China’s security. I want to give examples of both successful and failed moves from US administrations and to argue that it is even more difficult for Washington to get Beijing to share responsibilities in managing global problems such as climate change and nuclear proliferation. Beijing seems likely to cooperate but will be rather reactive on such issues when it sees its direct benefits from doing so. Though a new bipolar world order seems to emerge – with Russia and China on one pole and with US-EU-Japan on the other pole –, currently no one is in the position to controvert that the United States is still the only super-power with the greatest responsibility for world order. With this responsibility, the United States should find the way of shaping China’s behavior through solid and detailed strategy, which can be yielding to both countries, their allies and the global order.

Magyar cím

Az Egyesült Államok és Kína gazdasági és politikai kapcsolata - Versengés vagy együttműködés

Angol cím

Economic and Political Relations between the United States and China - Rivalry or Partnership


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi és Európa Tanulmányok Intézeti Tanszék




Nemzetközi Tanulmányok

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Amerikai Egyesült Államok, Kína, Gazdaságpolitika, Nemzetközi kapcsolat, SWOT-analízis, Gazdasági kapcsolatok
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Felhasználók 2342 nem található.
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2016. Ápr. 30. 09:23
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Okt. 07. 09:50

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