What is the relationship between preferred working method and employee characteristics?

Gabunia Nikoloz (2022) What is the relationship between preferred working method and employee characteristics? Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The research question of the thesis is “What is the relationship between preferred working method and employee characteristics ”. The thesis, firstly, aimed to prove that the relationship between employee characteristics and work method preferences exists and secondly, it aimed to investigate the reasons and the future of relationship of the working method preferences. The research used quantitative methodology and the study was conducted in KGSH (a Hungarian entity of KPMG). The questionnaire of the research was piloted by an intern and a manager, within the company, and distributed to the employees of the department of technology, where 40 employees filled out the survey.Based on the literature review and the research conducted in KGSH, it can be implied that the study worked and the research question has been answered. However, because of the nature of the question and the vast list of characteristics that can be measured, the question can be further investigated by the researchers. Even though, there are a lot of sources available around the subject, this specific connection wasn’t analyzed by the researchers before.The researching process went well and a lot of similarities have been recorded, implying that the findings are most likely true.It can be said that quantitative research methodology fits these kinds of researches the best, because of the amount of feedback that can be accumulated, which is very important for the accuracy of the results and diversity in answers.There were a few key findings in the research that should be highlighted. Firstly, the most noticeable change in the trend of work models, have been recorded during the Covid 19 pandemic, when the proportion of remote and hybrid workers increased drastically. The data available in the literature review suggests that even within the EU, countries have different proportions of remote workers, because of culture, economy, and technological advancements. The results also show us that employees working on individual tasks have been more productive than before, but people working on collaborative tasks have remained on the average productivity. However, those who have good state in a few characteristics - social connectivity, physical health, mental health, and workplace tools - have been recorded to increase productivity when working on collaborative tasks. One of the main findings of the research was that hybrid work model is the most popular method of work at the moment andit is highly expected in the coming years as well. Majority of the employees think that hybrid will be optimal in the future. The results also show some of the findings on offline and remote work models based on some of the characteristics.To briefly sum up the most important findings, it could be said that there are some characteristics that directly influence the preference of the working method, like – age, gender, culture, economy, technological advancements, productivity. Most likely there are more characteristics, which influence the preference, but they must be further investigated. Also the most popular working method is hybrid, with a lot of potential and expectations in the future.The results implied a course of action that could be followed by companies to achieve better results in the businesses – moving from offline to hybrid/remote work models for better productivity, maintaining offline work model for better coordination in the teams, or implementing a variation of hybrid work model for a higher satisfaction of the employees -depending on what are the aims of the company.The researchers, on the other hand, should try to use a bigger sample as during the research process, few difficulties have occurred – the sample size didn’t include enough members of one of the age groups for further analysing. Based on the research, it appeared that there is not much known about the allocation of remote/offline days in the hybrid working model – what is the best distribution of remote days per week. Also, a lot of interesting information could be gained in connection of the costs of the working models.There have been certain limitations during the process of researching. Firstly, the size of the sample was small, which limited the possibilities of the analysis and made the results less accurate. The suggestion for the future researchers will be to take a big potential sample right away. If the research was conducted in whole KGSH, the results would’ve been more accurate.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar


Menedzsment Tanszék




Gazdálkodási és menedzsment

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Employee characteristics, Hybrid, Offline, Remote, Work models
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2024. Jan. 24. 14:54
Utolsó módosítás: 2024. Jan. 24. 14:54

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