Popovic Iva (2023) Benefits and drawbacks of autonomous vehicles from a business standpoint. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Tosummarize, this research takes a cost-benefit perspective to the importance ofthe new autonomous car technology. When the costs of deployment and maintenanceare considered, the advantages of using autonomous vehicle technology outweighthe expenses. The paper also emphasizes the need of the individual governmentsensuring efficiency within the motor vehicle industry setup. This research alsofinishes by underlining the importance of various governments allocatinggreater money to the vehicle business, which is required in order to foster aninventive practice for the production benefit. We have to admit that thebiggest opportunities, as well as the widest ranges of innovations will lead andresult in much better robotics development. As a result, profit will beundoubtedly increased in sector. Increased profit would imply more productivityand capability in economy.Additionally,the research finishes by underlining an importance of stronger regulative lawsin the car sector. All of this will be needed in order to assure that policyimplementations are consistent with different legal and industry constraints. Theserestrictions should be directed through regulatory agencies tasked withoverseeing the motor industry's activities. As a result, the firms will be ableto more effectively guarantee that different government requirements arefollowed. This study also addresses the ethical shifts brought about by theintroduction of new autonomous car technologies. All of these previouslymentioned issues will potentially have to be solved and handled by motorbusinesses, with a so-called follow-up process in place whereby such deductionsand fees will be payable during the year balance statement in order toguarantee that any potential concerns may be resolved in the event that theyarise. This would assist to reduce the negative health and industrialconsequences caused by their goods. The driverless cars would have strongfeatures targeted at minimizing traffic congestion on roadways, particularly inmetropolitan areas.Furthermore, the cars are intended to minimize the amount offatalities caused by human mistake incidents.Moreover, this research looked at the financialramifications of having self-driving cars.The ramifications included the vehicle'spurchase price, maintenance and gasoline costs, and production expendituresincurred by the corporation.With rising cybercrime and terrorist risks to the world,researchers concur that such dangers will jeopardize vehicle operations, giventhat the criminals possess advanced robotics. That would possibly andpotentially influence the predicted activities, productivity and service of theexisting sensors. Inconclusion, the main advantages are drivers’ increased mobility, cars sharing,efficiency of fuel, road capability and performance, as well as reduced drivers’stress, costs of taxi services or parking, speed during the transport, trafficcongestion, costs on road, air pollution and emissions, insurance costs, ratesof accidents, administrative costs, maintenance of car parts, etc. When it comesto drawbacks, we must emphasize the following issues: cyber security, inabilityto comprehend drivers’ signs, potential damages that will directly come fromthe manufacturer and vehicle itself (since the customer cannot be responsiblefor such accidents), etc. Additionally, the six levels in the driverlesstechnology, including a scale from zero to five, are showing that the robotics willtend to make advancements the at a more rapid pace in order to fully generatethe individuality and independence of autonomous vehicles. In terms of appropriate deployment, robotics faces financial, legal,as well as environmental, and so many other hurdles.Additionally, the installation of frameworkwill necessitate ahigh level of customer demand.It makes little economic sense to givecapital-intensive infrastructure to a few cars that use it.There has been a little study on thesubject.As a result, the production cost of thisvehicle remains unknown.This research study attempted to address a research gap byanalyzing the particular or even estimated cost that corporations would requireto create it, aswell as the subsequent costs that would be handed out tocustomers.The cost of maintenance is significant because it allows consumersto decide whether or not the product is acceptable.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Kereskedelem és Logisztika Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | analysis, automatizáció - automatizálás, autó, robotok, technológia |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:34 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:34 |
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