Kiss Alexandra (2023) The impact of social media advertisements on customers in Hungary. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Thisresearch concentrates on finding out whether Hungarian customers are influencedby the excessive advertising on social media. The research methodology was aprimary quantitative research with the help of a questionnaire, but the resultwas not representative due to the huge population and a relatively small samplecompared to it. Data from secondary sources also can be found in the researchalthough it was mainly used for creating an overview of the topic and set thestage to be able to present the hearth of the research. Theresearch objectives include the introduction of the main features of socialmedia in general and for the five main platforms that were the basis for myquestionnaire.Theresults clearly showed that Facebook is the most used app on the other hand thecompetition between Facebook and YouTube is close there is only a smalldifference. I was able to discover a pattern regarding YouTube which is inconnection with its advertising strategy. Based on the answers I got for my questionnaireYouTube has earned three “titles” which are for the most ads, the most annoyingads, and the visibility of Rossmann’s ads. But for YouTube it is not somethingto celebrate, they need to work on its features. However, YouTube has asubscription for those who are willing to pay a certain amount of money toavoid advertisements.Myresearch gave back the result that most people follow influencers on socialmedia but only less than a third of them was willing to believe that theinfluencers are just like any other businessman or salesperson in shops. Amongthose who have not tried to make a purchase there are a significant amount ofpeople who are unsure about the whole influencer marketing. I would like toemphasise that, in my opinion, working with uncertain people have betterchances to be able to influence and guide them in the direction of certaintythan it would have with a pessimistic group of people. Allin all, from this research it is clear most people are only starting to open upand get used to the new technologies and a way of thinking which is new for theworld. The success of these innovations takes time and willpower to be able toget the best out of these innovations but as every innovation these also havedrawbacks like the decreased quantity and quality of social interactions.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Társadalomtudományi Módszertan Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | advertisement, facebook, Hungary, influencers, Instagram, Social media, Tiktok, Twitter, youtube |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:31 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:31 |
URI: | |
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