Lubura Dragana (2023) The impact of the 17 + 1 initiative on the development of South-Eastern European countries, Case study of the Republic of Serbia. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The primary goalof this research is to analyze the impact of the 17+1 initiative together withthe aspirations of the belt and road initiative in the area of Central andEastern Europe, with a key focus on the Republic of Serbia. The two initiativesare of great significance to the growing economic power of China, as well tothe economies of the countries that have joined them. After the economic crisisof 2008, with this idea, China had the opportunity to propose to the world itseconomic and development model, but also to show its power. The initiative iseconomically and geographically one of the most ambitious and the largesteconomic and infrastructural undertaking in recent years. Within this is theessential importance of this initiative and one of the reasons why this was mytopic of choice to do my research work on.Just as the Belt and Road initiative has gainedextremely high importance and support globally, so the 17+1 initiative is ofgreat significance for countries throughout Central and Eastern Europe. As willbe discussed below, many of these members are developing countries that, likeSerbia, which will be emphasized, have seen numerous benefits in thiscooperation. They were given the opportunity to end the period of stagnationand very unfavorable conditions for economic growth and development.Specifically, Chinese activities in the Balkans have attracted the attention ofexperts, diplomats and politicians from Europe and the world for many years.China's presence in the region began to grow, especially after the start of the17+1 platform. Specifically, the geographical space occupied by modern Serbia,as well as the wider area of the Balkans, that is, Southeastern Europe, havealways been the subject of interest of the current great powers throughouthistory. Moreover, the political and economic control of that strategicallyimportant part of the world has always been a sufficient reason, if not thecause itself, for waging wars, gaining power, influence and prestige. This partcontains my second important reason behind the choice of this topic.As is already clear, my case study of choice was theRepublic of Serbia. The very fact that this country has achieved one of thestrongest and most successful bilateral ties with China through this initiativeas well as through mutual support throughout history, I believe that itrepresents a fairly important region for analysis.This was done to some extent through the presentationof projects and political and economic decisions and changes that have beenmade since Serbia joined this initiative. My paper began with an introductionto the problem of the research question, followed by chapters in which there isa review of the historical background of the initiative itself, and then of theRepublic of Serbia. At the end, in addition to the mentioned successfulprojects and potential difficulties of this cooperation, a brief overview ofall the above was presented together with certain conclusions and predictionsof the future of the initiative and potential solutions for certain problemswithin it.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | 17 + 1 initiative, Belt and Road, China, economic impact, Serbia |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:28 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. Szep. 07. 14:28 |
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