The Comparison of Human Rights between Laos and Hungary concerning Rights of Women, and Sexual and Gender Minority Groups

Sinthaoudom Vilayseng (2023) The Comparison of Human Rights between Laos and Hungary concerning Rights of Women, and Sexual and Gender Minority Groups. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

<p dir="ltr" style="text-align:left;"></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">This thesis is conducted in the field of human rights in comparison between Lao and Hungary associated with women, and sexual and gender minority groups. the goal of the thesis is learning about national law and also international agreements relevant to human rights in both countries, to have an access and understanding about pinions of people in Lao and Hungary societies in the wellbeing of women, and sexual and gender minority groups.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">After the study has ended, the researcher is able to conclude as below:&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Generally, the Lao government practically put hard work to</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">&nbsp;defend, maintain, and support Lao women in order to ensure that women’s rights in the country are protected, but some they too much focus to promote rights of women over men, which is not the point of equality, Nevertheless, rights of Lao women in rural areas are not guaranteed due to their outdated norms and traditions, for further input,&nbsp;&nbsp;the assistance of the government is not enough reaching to them whether in the form of educating women rights or bring&nbsp;&nbsp;the law’s provisions to light.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">Sexual and gender minority groups in Laos are not relatively accepted by the laws or society, the government position themselves as a neutral, the government wouldn’t grant any right in the sense of acceptance and wouldn’t give any signal in the sense of aggressively harm to the existence of sexual and gender minority groups. Nevertheless, public opinions in Laos were very humanized for human right and equality advancement.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">In Hungary, the government declared themselves as a pro-family under values of authentic Christianity, the idea of family-first combined with population growth decline have pushed the government to introduce the fetus heartbeat hearing bill which terminates women rights on the abortion and it is taking away a right to choose over their bodies.</span></p><p><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">&nbsp;Sexual and gender minority groups are tremendously facing with a series of anti LGBTQIA+ laws passed, adopted by the government including law’s provisions of restriction on sex-same marriage and sex-same adoption, bill on ending sex-change, the law on child protection banning LGBTQIA+ related contents on TV, social media and sex-education in school. However,&nbsp;</span><span lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us">a survey results of this paper said that Hungarian public opinions are not relatively agreed with most of the human rights violation measures that the government have done to women, and sexual and gender minority groups in Hungary.&nbsp;</span></p><br><p></p>


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék




Nemzetközi tanulmányok (angol)


Konzulens neve
Konzulens típusa
Beosztás, tudományos fokozat, intézmény
Dr. Buday-Sántha Judit Andrea
főiskolai docens; Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék; KKK
Dr. Görömbölyi Dávid
óraadó tanár; Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék; KKK

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: gender, human relations, Human rights, Hungary, international cooperation, international development association, law, minority groups, sexuality, Women
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Szep. 07. 14:23
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Szep. 07. 14:23

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