The Features of the Partnership between Ukraine and the Visegrad Group; the 21st Century`s Essential Changes Both in Relations and in Times of Wars/Conflicts

Volkova Diana (2023) The Features of the Partnership between Ukraine and the Visegrad Group; the 21st Century`s Essential Changes Both in Relations and in Times of Wars/Conflicts. Faculty of International Management and Business.

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The Visegrad Group's founding members (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia) regarded the need for cooperation in the contemporary historical circumstances emerging on the European continent as a result of rapidly growing global processes as the primary impetus for the group's formation. Between 1991 and 1993, the nations in the region actively pushed for interregional cooperation because of a variety of domestic and foreign policy considerations, including the concern of potential "big brother interference," which was not without justification.The 1991 ratification of the Declaration of Cooperation led to the establishment of the Visegrad Group, which has specific goals for the future. Because of the fruitful interaction within the Visegrad Group, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia were able to finish a number of significant tasks, most notably joining NATO and the EU. The Visegrad Group has shown to be an effective structure for interregional cooperation.The Visegrad Four has evolved into an essential communication instrument that acts as a bridging intermediary link on the road to tighter links with the EU for those countries who either wish to integrate into this organization or want to create advantageous, friendly relationships with its member nations.V4 actively participates in the Eastern Partnership and Visegrad+ frameworks, both of which aim to encourage regional collaboration.The V4+Ukraine framework has undoubtedly emerged as the most significant and effective among such efforts in Eastern Europe. The Visegrad countries supported Ukraine's advancement toward European integration while helping to sign the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement. Ukraine and the Visegrad nations successfully collaborated in the political, armed forces, and humanitarian fields.The significant turning points for the V4+Ukraine partnership as well as the global community at large were the start of the Russian assault in 2014 and the subsequent full-scale invasion in 2022. Since then, the coherence of cooperation has substantially decreased as a result of the V4 nations' contradictory stances on Ukraine's role in this conflict. The V4 nations were reluctant to impose sanctions on Moscow and diversify their energy sources because of their near-total reliance on Russian energy imports.Since the start of Russian aggression and in the current era of full-scale war, the nations have their own explanations and justifications for their positions. While some attempt to serve both sides, certain V4 nations have significantly altered their perspective. The political outlooks, histories, and reliance on natural resources of the respective nations are the main causes of this.On topics like energy policy, how to supply raw materials, and how to interact with the EU and NATO, the Visegrad Group must forge consensus positions. The unified gas and electricity market and industrial cooperation in the realm of defense are the two most important areas for the Visegrad Group. Due to the enormous imbalance, it creates among its members, energy dependency is one of the main issues preventing modern groups from cooperating effectively. This split among the members makes it more difficult to predict the future of cooperation and how significant it will be.Nevertheless, considering all the points mentioned and discussed in the thesis, it becomes obvious that future developments of the Visegrad Group and V4+Ukraine cooperation events have a wide range of potential outcomes. However, it is apparent that all European nations' foreign, security, and energy policies—and those of the EU and NATO in particular—will undergo significant adjustments and be given increased focus during and after the Russia-Ukraine war.


Budapest Business University


Faculty of International Management and Business


Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék




Nemzetközi tanulmányok (angol)

Item Type: Thesis (UNSPECIFIED)
Uncontrolled Keywords: regional cooperation, Russia-Ukraine war, V4+Ukraine format, Visegrad Group, war impact on relations
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Depositing User: Archive User
Date Deposited: 2023. Sep. 07. 14:20
Last Modified: 2023. Sep. 07. 14:20

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