The Recruitment of Generation Y and Z through the Lenses of

Mányi Petra (2022) The Recruitment of Generation Y and Z through the Lenses of Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

More or less, each generation is represented at a company as there are working students, interns, seniors, or those who have only few years left before they are retiring. Therefore, a business is full of individuals who have grown up in different circumstances and were affected by distinctive experiences, including political systems, economic and social situations. Generation Z is the youngest on the labor market whose members are either in their first few years of their career development, on their way of getting their diploma or in school which means that there is little to no data on their work habits. If a business wants to expand, they post an advertisement on a job portal, social media or try to recruit through those means that they have access to. As each generation share some common traits with its members, the way a company tries to recruit them has to adjust to that.In my thesis, I will try to find what main factors influence Generation Y and Z when they are applying for a position to see if there is any difference or similarity between those generations that are the youngest ones on the labor market. Also, as the pandemic has changed our lives in several aspects, I would like to discover what effects the COVID pandemic have had on the two generations when they are looking for a job. Therefore, with my research, I will focus on where they look for a job, what they find important when looking for a job and what has an influence on their is the market leader of job portals in Hungary and they have been around for 20 years. I thought that it would be interesting to see the thoughts of their employees and why they have decided to work there and what the company provides to its workforce. They offer several different articles for employers and employees as well which suggests that they know what an employee is looking for. As an intern of their staff, I was able to do quantitative research with the help of a survey which was filled out by my colleagues. A pilot study had been conducted before that and in the final questionnaire, the respondents had to answer 19 questions which asked them about their home office preferences, where they look for a job, why they chose Profession and how important certain attributes are for them.In my study, I have found that job portals and social media are the preferred ways in which a candidate looks for a job. Majority of each generation check the companies’ social media content and website which suggests that employer branding is, indeed, something that businesses should focus on with resources since many of those who check the content of firms reported that the findings have an impact on them. Salary, workplace stability and work-life balance were the key factors when the respondents are looking for a job which can be justified by the economic situation of the world and the pandemic. Company brand, ethics and CRS, and social media presence were the least important ones. However, there were some disparities between the answers of Generation Z and Generation Y, for example workplace stability was the most popular choice of Generation Z, meanwhile for the Millennials, it was the work-life balance. They chose Profession for compensation, job characteristics and development and workplace stability, however its culture also played a big role in the generations decision-making as reputation and the brand of the company were also mentioned quite a lot. Here, the answers of the two generations were also somewhat different because it seems that they value different attributes. The pandemic seems to have had an influence on them workwise because workplace stability got placed in both questions highly among the others. Also, after the pandemic, majority of the individuals prefer home office, and they are only going in the office once or twice a week. provides a place for that as the company asks its employees to come in at least once but there is no other expectation regarding that matter. The most favored organizational culture was the Work Hard / Play Hard which implies that the employees of this firm prefer to take low risks for which they receive immediate feedback that gives them the opportunity to know whether they are doing their job correctly. In the case of leadership styles, the democratic one received the most votes which indicates that the workforce likes to engage in the decision-making and share their ideas or opinions, but they do not want to make all decisions by themselves. My findings are mostly consistent with the other studies that were conducted and researched this area of human resource management.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar


Menedzsment Tanszék




Gazdálkodási és menedzsment

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: employee attitude, generations, human resource management, Kft., recruitment
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Ápr. 21. 09:52
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Ápr. 21. 09:52

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