Nagy Dorottya Borbála (2022) What is the Role of Negative Personality Traits in Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur? Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.
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Nagy_Dorottya_Borbála_DFMFN1.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Csak nyilvántartásba vett egyetemi IP címekről nyitható meg Download (784kB) |
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BA_O_Nagy_Dorottya_Borbála.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Csak nyilvántartásba vett egyetemi IP címekről nyitható meg Download (74kB) |
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review dorottya nagy.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Bizalmas dokumentum (bírálat) Download (87kB) |
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BA_B_Nagy_Dorottya_Borbála.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Bizalmas dokumentum (bírálat) Download (96kB) |
Absztrakt (kivonat)
The aim of this paper is to find a connection between negative personality traits and entrepreneurship and see how these traits affect the decisions and the goals of the entrepreneurs. The researched negative traits are self-interest, greed and narcissistic traits.Entrepreneurship is a broadly researched topic and it goes through a rapid evolution. It has a great importance on the economy. As entrepreneurship has not been researched in the context of these traits previously this study is considered pioneer, and therefore there are no literatures that it could be compared to directly. The reason why it is not broadly researched is because it is a sensitive topic. It is difficult to measure the effect of negative traits as people might not be willing to admit their own flaws. Therefore, the results of the interviewees might be influenced if the entrepreneurs deny that the negative traits influence their decisions and goals. I conducted qualitative interviews for the research with Hungarian entrepreneurs. The questionnaire which I used during the interviews consists of two parts: vignettes and open-ended question. In order to be able to study this sensitive topic I chose the vignette technique which makes it easier to discuss this topic with just commenting on certain situations where the sensitive topic is present. Putting the negative traits in context is less threatening then direct questions focused on negative traits. With the help of the open-ended questions I obtained some general information about the entrepreneurs: demographic data, their goals as an entrepreneur and their perception of entrepreneurship. After analyzing the results and the found literature for each negative trait separately, the findings managed to answer the stated research question as the results showed that self-interest, greed and narcissistic traits have a positive connection with entrepreneurship as all these traits have a direct influence on the decisions and goals of the entrepreneurs.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Menedzsment Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | entrepreneurship, greed, narcissistic traits, negative traits, self-interest |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2023. Ápr. 21. 09:51 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. Ápr. 21. 09:51 |
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