Mészáros Sarolta (2023) Workforce Retention at KUKA Hungária Ltd. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
I have worked at KUKA Hungária Ltd. since December 2020. I started my career there as an HR Trainee, where I could get familiar with the way of life at a multinational company and could learn the basic HR concepts and methods. Currently, I work as a Junior HR Controller, where I analyse and implement statistical information connected to HR processes. During my work, I always felt HR methods necessary in the company’s life since that is the department responsible for one of the company’s most important assets: employees. It soon became apparent that I would choose a thesis topic connected to HR because of its importance and my work experience. HR cannot function without collecting feedback from every member of the company. At KUKA, we acquire such information with an Engagement Survey each second year. We conduct the survey anonymously and voluntarily, although, within HR, we usually set a completion goal in %, and we encourage the employees to give feedback. I first met with this method in 2021, and I found the process quite engaging. Fortunately, I participated in almost every part of the process, from preparation to analysing the results. The survey gave much valuable information for the company concerning many different areas, such as corporate culture, atmosphere, compensation, and leadership. Through the evaluation process, I understood the concept of workforce retention and its importance. That is when I chose this topic to be my thesis work. In 2022, based on the results of 2021’s Engagement survey, a new project was launched based on the most sensitive areas, aiming to strengthen our employees’ engagement. The project’s name is a Hungarian abbreviation, K.U.K.A. Közös Utazás, Közös Ambíció, which means collective journey, collective ambition. The name already suggests a common goal; the abbreviation being the same as the company name strengthens the brand and the corporate culture. After a lengthy strategic analysis, the management developed four workstream areas within the grand K.U.K.A project, which was the four weaknesses based on the employees’ answers: Nominating adequate employees, Team and supporting atmosphere, Remuneration and other benefits, and Workforce retention. I chose workforce retention as a topic because my experiences suggest that it has significant importance in a company’s life, and I feel close to this topic thanks to my HR background. I want to examine the whole K.U.K.A. project and the Workforce retention workstream in detail because – besides its relevance – the concept appears to be a continuous challenge for companies, especially during and after the Covid pandemic. We conduct the company project involving an external service provider, BrandFizz, which specializes in helping to execute company projects and acts as a facilitator between the company and its employees by providing tailor-made solutions for KUKA. The scope of the workstreams is to increase employee satisfaction with persona-specific measures, observing and handling differently white-collar, blue-collar, and engineer positions, thus strengthening KUKA’s retention force even more effectively. The measurable goal is to reduce the number of voluntary notices to 15% from the average of 19-20%, set by our HR department and management together. During the thesis work, I would like to analyse the processes taken by KUKA towards workforce retention, the measures, tools, and programs used during the project, the cooperation with BrandFizz and services provided by the external partner, the effects of the project on KUKA employees, the department-specific and persona-specific effects of the project, and measure its overall success.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Kereskedelem és Logisztika Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | engagement, fluctuation, HR, human resources, retention, workforce retention |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2023. Ápr. 20. 13:54 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2023. Ápr. 20. 13:54 |
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