The comparison of global value chains between Angola and Laos

Boudsengngam Douangsamone (2022) The comparison of global value chains between Angola and Laos. Külkereskedelmi Kar. (Kéziratban)

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Abstract   The global value chain is frequently brought up when the subject of globalization is discussed as it serves as a great example and allows for trade participation to boost a nation's economy. Since the turn of the 20th century, there have been some notable changes in international trade. One of the most significant changes is connected to the growth of Global Value Chains (GVCs), which are the fragmentation of the production process of goods and services and the international distribution of tasks and activities between them that lead to the emergence of borderless production systems. The production of a single good may entail inputs from and manufacturing in many different nations. Although GVCs are frequently seen as a distinguishing aspect of the present wave of globalization, little is understood about what motivates participation in GVCs, what such participation may have as effects, and what it implies for policymaking. These inquiries are especially pertinent for developing nations, such as Angola and Laos in our example, where business environments are typically less competitive and where more difficult policy issues must be resolved with scarcer public resources. These countries are particularly interested in learning the best ways to integrate into the global economy to improve social and economic outcomes. As a result, the major goal of this study is to compare the two developing economies of Laos and Angola in the context of global value chains through case studies of businesses operating in both nations. To do so, we will examine pertinent studies and secondary data by the mixed methodology. We also want to examine how Angola and Laos have evolved economically and in other ways because of the involvement of GVCs. The analysis highlights that GVC has an impact on the economies of Angola and Laos, which are our key aims and research topics for this work. The characteristics of GVC involvement are significant from the perspective of economic development since GVC is the principal driver of economic development in areas like production, trade, and the labor market. Even though both nations are geographically located in the region between the continents of Asia and Africa, they are yet similar in many crucial respects.  First off, both countries gained their independence in 1975, allowing them an equal amount of time to begin development in all areas. They are currently regarded as developing economies with medium levels of human development in 2021, which shows that their economies are still increasing to the fullest extent feasible in the same direction and at the same position. Second, the countries' engagement in international trade as producers of exports is supported by the wealth of their natural resources. China is also the two countries' most significant trading partner in terms of the trade sector, having a sizable economic impact on each of them. We focus on the most prosperous businesses in Angola and Laos in addition to the general picture at the national level to delve deeper into the case study. For the countries of Angola and Laos, respectively, Sonangol (Sociedade Nacional de Combustveis de Angola) and Electricite Du Laos (EDL) are the two firms that are active in the energy sector. In this study, there are explanations behind the choice of these case studies. In order for our countries to become developed ones in light of the global energy crisis, we first want to look into and assess their potential. Second, the firm cases we have brought have a tremendously disproportionately big influence on the economies of each country since they include the major and principal export producers. These firms are the ones that primarily contribute to the global economy in addition to local economic growth (in the regional and global value chain spheres). This means that the research questions, which are as follows, will receive the most attention in the investigation: ·      What distinguishes the economies of the two nations ·      What impact do the GVCs have on both countries' economies ·      How do Angola and Laos participate in the GVCs differ and resemble each other ·      What role do GVCs play for the two companies under investigation ·      How does involvement in GVCs affect the two countries' economic development Finally, we anticipate that this study will add to our understanding of the GVC comparison between Angola and Laos in different continents and that it will be valuable for further investigation. Additionally, we would want to draw attention to the fact that certain economic factors, in our example the abundance of natural resources, can have a big impact on how much a country participates in GVCs.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi gazdaság és gazdálkodás (angol)

Mű típusa: TDK dolgozat
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Már. 23. 15:26
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Már. 23. 15:26

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