Research on the development of rural tourism in the Karancs-Medves protected area

Szvoren Lili (2023) Research on the development of rural tourism in the Karancs-Medves protected area. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The principle aims of the research include finding a solution to the economic problems in the Karancs-Medves protected area through rural tourism, and to find a possible way of how to make the destination more popular and more attractive to Hungarian and foreign travelers as well. The study gives insight to how local residents and service providers feel about the region, and how willing they are to invest their time, money and energy into the development of the territory. The research also gives details about the history, attractions, and culture of Salgótarján, Somoskőújfalu, Somoskő and their surrounding region.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Turizmus Tanszék





Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: development, economy, Karancs-Medves, protected area, Rural Tourism, Salgótarján
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Már. 19. 18:24
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Már. 19. 18:24

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