The development of tourism in Portugal seeing from Hungary: from the beginning to nowadays

Harsányi Noémi (2023) The development of tourism in Portugal seeing from Hungary: from the beginning to nowadays. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The topic of my thesis is the investigation of tourism in Portugal and its comparison with Hungary. We all know that Portugal occupies a strong place among the highly visited places in Europe, yet we do not know the true face of this country so much. I didn't know what to expect when I started my research, but I didn't think at the beginning that I would discover very similar and completely different information about these two countries. In the secondary research, I compared an existing research on the Internet with my own investigation, in which I dealt with the favorite travel places and travel habits of Hungarian and Portuguese tourists. I gained an insight into people's opinions and preferences, which play an important role in a country's tourism. I got the insights of the Portuguese from a research I had already done, but I myself made a survey about the opinions of people living in my country. In the second half of my thesis, I used Saffron's European City Brand Barometer data to compare the two capitals.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Turizmus Tanszék





Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: destination choice, Foreign travels, Portugal, tourism, Tourist habits
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2023. Már. 18. 11:37
Utolsó módosítás: 2023. Már. 18. 11:37

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