Social Functions and Forms of Manifestation of Religion in Everyday Life with Special Regard to Indonesia

Urbánné Veres Judit (2022) Social Functions and Forms of Manifestation of Religion in Everyday Life with Special Regard to Indonesia. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Abstract       The main goals of my thesis are to get answers to my assumption that religion has an important role in people's daily lives and it has a great influence on what is happening in society. Moreover, it has had a great effect on political life worldwide from the beginning of history. Another topic of my work is to examine the situation in Indonesia in connection with religious tolerance. On the one hand, the answer seems to be unambiguous and does not require too many explanation. On the other hand, since religion was given great importance from the beginning, it has become almost an existence over time. since societies are made up of people, it is also clear, with all evidence, that religion affects other areas of a society. Nevertheless, I considered it worthwhile to support this assumption with some data, at the same time to get an idea of the size of the communities formed by religious people and their distribution. By this, I mean that I have looked at the number of religious people in the world and then their distribution among the great world religions. whereas my thesis has also been developed in a special Indonesian field on the topic of religion as a social phenomenon and practice, so I also looked at the data specifically for this country. I examined at the country as a whole and the proportion of believers of the six official religions in the population. During the social phenomena I tried to present those events, first in general and then in Indonesia, in which the social function of religion is manifested. By this, I mean above all religious events, religious holidays, admirable events, all tied to hope as a positive, scientifically recognized process. During the social practice, I tried to map the areas of religious institutions in Indonesia where other activities are carried out. This is how my topic in this regard has become education, health, social institutions, as well as entertainment in Indonesia.  Of course, in every chapter, I tried to find the answer to one of my main questions, at the beginning of the chapters, that religion really has a significant impact on society. Of course, within society, the actors of political life, and economic life, determine the main characteristics of the given area due to their religiosity. Another assumption of my dissertation is to investigate the religious tolerance of Indonesia. In this topic, the beginning of the 2010s an important period can be considered, because from this time this topic was spectacularly dealt with at the state level. This had an impact on later religious tolerance, but it was not resolved overnight. This phenomenon affected not only some Muslim minorities within the Muslim religion, but also some of the citizens of Chinese descent. The situation in this area has been normalized with international eyes, but the phenomenon has not completely disappeared from society. Overall, the statement that religion significantly determines the functioning of society is correct in several ways. regarding religious tolerance, it can be said that political actors are dealing with the issue at the state level, and great progress has been made in this area.


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Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: interkulturális menedzsment, intézmények, vallás, vallásszabadság, vallásszociológia
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2022. Okt. 11. 09:51
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Okt. 12. 12:21

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