Interculturality & Multiculturality in the 21st century

Bor-Lévai Réka (2015) Interculturality & Multiculturality in the 21st century. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Since I was a little girl I always wanted to meet people from other countries. When I was fiftheen, I was accepted into the Student Travel School program (name of the study abroad program) and lived in the United States where I went to school. I believed it to be the most multicultural country in the world and thought it to be the best place to experience the most cultures at once. This experience has been the best in my whole life since at that time it was the place to be for meeting most of the cultures. Meeting and realizing them was the best opportunity in my whole life. Based on my studies, my journey to America and also on my working career I’ve always been sorrounded by foreign people representing different cultures. I have always wanted to express my multicultural experiences in my life, so I would like to take the opportunity to write about interculturality and multiculturality and its recent issues in the big-big world. When I decided to write my thesis on the topic of the presence of interculturality & multiculturality, I was very determined, eventhough I had no deep knowledge of the topic. I thought migration was a phenomenon that was becoming more and more present in the recent years due to the globalized world of ours. Since there are only a few analyses that deal with this interesting issue, I have been trying my best to present a detailed overview of the topic of multiculturality. I believe the concept of interculturality & multiculturality nowadays are easily understood by most of the people because they have always lived in a multicultural world (multicultural means a mere tolerance of other cultures). Globalization has lost much of its novelty, glamour, and allure: it is now as much a condition of doing businesses, as it is a condition of contemporary economic and social life itself. But that has not made the questions, issues, and challenges of globalization any less salient and more routine. Hungarian literature has not yet dedicated special attention to the multicultural, migration-related events and integration issues affecting the whole world. Only recently have several pieces of literature on the topic of international migration phenomena been written. Despite the statistical difficulties, more and more accurate estimates are available of interpreting this global challenge from different perspective of individual continents, regions and countries and their characteristics. Multiculturalism is a public policy approach for managing cultural diversity in a multiethnic society, officially stressing mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country's borders. As a policy it emphasizes the unique characteristics of different cultures; especially as they relate to one another in receiving nations. Multiculturalism is very important as it helps us look at other cultures respectably and freely. Without it I believe we would be forced to be informed about only the mainstream culture of our society. It is already quite clearly outlined that the framework of the existence of nation-state and its scarce assets are not suitable to manage this complex process, but due to national sovereignty and its immanent nature only the European Union made meaningful attempts to coordinate the nation-state migration policies and created common basis for migration policy. Great host nations like the United States and France are both trying to find progressive solutions for the citizens and immigrants. A series of regional and global take-off were seen at this multi-player puzzle game. At the same time we see that mankind's political, economic, and ethnical conflicts repeatedly overwrite previous thoughts on solution and intensifies obstacles against cooperation with distrust. This creates real and unreasonable fears, inflame religious fanatism and xenophobia. The social (civil wars, ethnic conflicts, etc) and / or environmental changes induced by natural disasters, crises are often testing international cooperation and developed solidarity systems, highlighting processes of international migration and the political interests of politicians. By these the question come alive in our minds then what people think of multicultural life of the 21st century. What are the factors, concepts we need to take into consideration? I believe multicultural competence is a success factor for all people. By the help of multicultural competence a person is able to transfer general social skills such as openness, awareness, and respectfulness by experience, knowledge and language skills. Consequently, people get along well, coordinate their work, have fun, and have good discussions resulting in innovative and effective ideas. I experienced this several times of my life in different type of situation. Evolving is necessary at all stages in life. It is essential that people research the cultures and communication conventions of those whom they propose to meet. This will minimize the risk of making the basic mistakes. It is also prudent to set a clear agenda so that everyone understands the nature and purpose of the interaction. By knowing different cultures we understand better certain reactions of others originated from a different culture. Resulting in a better and more effective cooperation without conflict. Knowing what is rude for them, but its normal for you can help to avoid awkward situations and will lead us to the win win. As a result of the above I stated my research objective with the aim to shed light on multicultural related issues of the 21st century. So I thought this assumption shall be investigated and therefore the central research question (RQ) of this study is: RQ: What people really think of the presence of multiculturality in the 21st century. Do they consider it as a bad situation or see any opportunity in it. RQ1: Which aspects of intercultural/multicultural competence improve people or have more negative effects?

Magyar cím

Interculturalitás & Multikulturalitás a 21. században

Angol cím

Interculturality & Multiculturality in the 21st century


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi és Európa Tanulmányok Intézeti Tanszék




Nemzetközi Tanulmányok

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Interkulturális kommunikáció, Multikulturalizmus, Kultúra, Migráció
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Felhasználók 2342 nem található.
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2015. Dec. 07. 17:03
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Okt. 06. 12:33

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