The development history and future prospects of hot springs in Yunnan, China

Li Yuman (2022) The development history and future prospects of hot springs in Yunnan, China. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

GeneralizeAt present, "hot spring tourism has become an important leisure and holiday product in my country".Symbol of transition to leisure destination. As a part of Yunnan tourism, hot spring tourism is the development of tourism. Preliminary census results show that there are natural dew springs near Yunnan Province, accounting for about one-third of the total number of hot springs in the country, ranking first in the country. World-class hot spring tourism area, international hot spring tourism brand. However, the development of Yunnan hot springs lacks innovation and cultural connotation.The development of hot spring tourism is a systematic project with many influencing factors. In the dissertation, I will analyze the geography, cultural geography and sustainable development of tourism.Use research methods such as literature collection, comparative reference, case studies, and analysis to explore tourism development models. The specific idea is to conduct an in-depth analysis of the hot spring resources in Yunnan, and combine the development history and current situation of the hot spring tourism in Yunnan to put forward some suggestions and suggestions for the development of the hot spring tourism in Yunnan. For example, ecological health resort mode, characteristic cultural mode, hot spring tourism town mode, etc. But "mode" is just my personal opinion, in the actual development of hot spring tourism, you should choose the appropriate one according to your own situation. your specific situation.Appropriate development mode, rather than blindly copying or imitating.The purpose of this article is to "try to create a warm spring in Yunnan by discussing the development model of Yunnan hot spring tourism".Hot spring brand "make hot spring tourism a new highlight of Yunnan tourism"


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Turizmus Tanszék





Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: development model, Development proposals, Hot spring, hot spring tourism, Yunnan
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2022. Júl. 15. 11:25
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Júl. 15. 11:25

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