Exploratory study on Praktiker’s marketing strategy, and the effect of COVID-19

Haigli Árpád (2021) Exploratory study on Praktiker’s marketing strategy, and the effect of COVID-19. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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Exploratory study on Praktiker’s marketing strategy, and the effect of COVID-19.pdf
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Absztrakt (kivonat)

This study aims to determine the marketing activities of a large enterprise, Praktiker. It reflects on the whole DIY market, and within that, it also examines how the above-mentioned company competes in the industry. One of the goals in marketing is to reach a target audience, hence the research is also dedicated to finding the methods that Praktiker uses to communicate to its potential customer and employee base. Last but not least, COVID-19, which affected every aspect of our life, including the economy. Praktiker was no exception either, therefore the research also investigates the refinements made on marketing and communication strategies. The study operated with the mixed methodology, to better understand the given problem. In the qualitative part, the research used in-depth interviews with leaders of the corporation, who gave valuable information in connection with the topic. With the qualitative method, people can investigate the attitude and behavior of the interviewee, pose open-ended questions to better understand the inspiration of the interviewee and encourage conversation. It generally requires more time to gather and analyze the results than with quantitative research however, individuals can receive more data, and information that they do not mindful of might have been valuable in the first place. In the quantitative part, the study applied a questionnaire for people, who have been in hardware stores before, to share information about their experiences and preferences. The aim was to ask at least 100 people, in order to be representative. The questionnaire was distributed across different social media platforms, where people had the opportunity to fill it in if they were over 13 years old and have been in a DIY store before. This type of data collection is faster and requires less time to dissect, furthermore the sample size could be larger, enabling more generalization of the results. Analysis of the gathered information demonstrated that every corporation must have a unique selling proposition to differentiate themselves and appeal to their target demographics. I am certain that being a Hungarian brand is one of Praktiker’s biggest advantages in the market, hence they can respond to changes within the industry quicker than its competitors and feature Hungarian celebrities and people in their commercials so the potential consumers can feel the brand closer to themselves. They aim to not only provide the necessary products but the expert help also. Praktiker tries to be present in many communication channels, in order to fulfil their consumers needs even in the after-sales phase, and the key goal is a good customer experience. They have three main sales channels, in-store, online and business to business, and it is hard to tell them apart, especially the first two since they have a mutual impact on each other. Despite the fact, that they are a big enterprise, they have to outsource some of the marketing-related tasks, in order to be more labor efficient and get the best quality service in a less financially burdensome way. Unfortunately, they do not have the scale, nor a mother company, which could have a bigger marketing department, so they have to keep only the crucial roles within the organization in order to fulfill the KPI-s and stay within the sustainable labor number. COVID changed the enterprise’s entire brand building and its communication strategy. They redefined their brand values, started to produce brand-building campaigns but not just occasionally, but rather constantly. Fortunately, people over 55 started to use online media more often in this period, so they could also start targeting them, and it was a huge leap forward since this consumer group is especially important to the company. Their message is not only aimed towards customers but potential employees also. In the last four years, the Praktiker HR team constantly focused on employer branding, and it did pay out, since they managed to cut their recruitment costs in half or in some cases down to a third. Praktiker is on its way to digitalization and using big data to categorize its consumers into subgroups, in order to serve them with more relevant content. This is their biggest goal currently, and it has a lot of potential in it. If they can enlarge the number of marketing employees, they can be more productive and effective.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Kereskedelem Tanszék




Kereskedelem és marketing

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: brand, brand building, employer branding, marketing, online marketing
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2022. Már. 22. 08:20
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Már. 22. 08:20

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