Stark Dániel Gergő (2021) Green influencers and their impact on consumer behavior. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Green influencers and their impact on consumer behavior. Abstract Stark Dániel Gergő/DQZMVC/BGE KVIK In today’s fast-moving world everything changes quickly and if people want to adapt to them, they must act as fast as possible, or their chances are already gone. We can also talk about, not just people in general, but companies in the world of business as well. Just imagine how much of a loss it generates when a company does not seize the opportunity of a new trend. Let’s say we combine people and business, what we get is an influencer, who consumers can relate to and business can build their sales on. Add a hot topic (like in our case, going green) to the equation and we get the most wanted future when children are asked what they would like to be when they grow up. Structure: 1. Introduction 1.1 Background 2. Literature review 2.1. What is green marketing? 2.2. What are influencers? 2.3. Green influencers 3. Methodology 4. Research results 4.1. Results of the questionnaire 4.2. Results of in-depth interviews 5. Discussion of results 6. Conclusion 49 7. Reference list The aim of my research was to understand how green influencers have affected the consumer behavior through social media platforms and if it is still a popular trend which is also helping the environment as we are facing issues which need a massive cooperation among people. The importance of this issue is never before seen and can be easily stated as indispensable for having the normal life we are all used to. Green influencers are known for providing practices which can transform individual behaviors and for a greater purpose. They seem to be controversial but in the end more people believe that through their actions they carry out support for the environment and promote this demeanor to more and more people. My study shows that green influencerism is on its rise, however it seems that on the other hand social media platforms are having a bit of a setback regarding the content creator side. There are still millions of people using these on an everyday basis and it is the easiest way to let their voice be heard and reaching out to as many people as possible while contributing to a greater cause (DataReportal, 2021). Unfortunately, there will always be someone who will try to make profit of anything no matter its importance, their numbers are negligible compared to the group who are willing to change their and others life and are determined to see a brighter future. This perception seems to be working and is very sticky and shift the markets into a different approach (Szakály, et al., 2017). As my two topics come together, we get green influencers, who are promoting the green values while making loads of money of it as brands try to sell their product through them. In my research I will focus on these types of influencers, answering how they affect the green consumer behavior. To make sure my findings are relevant, I will use both quantitative and qualitative tools as a mixed methodology and will process the current literature that is available regarding the topic and will also try to receive input from my own sources through a survey and in-depth interviews, thus I will be able to compare the results and draw conclusions and propose any additional further remarks on the future of the subject if possible. In order to clearly understand the meaning of the results I will receive, I will explain and describe them in the end to see if the scientifical evidences and the practical parts support the same patterns or go against each other while also providing recommendations for those who would dive into the green influencer topic. One of the biggest problems is that it is really hard to track how many people actually care about the environment enough to make changes in their life, which sadly, seems to be just a question of laziness and comfortability. Unfortunately, my research is faulty and cannot answer the above mentioned, however it can form a basic look of how it works when it is not just talk, but taking action and changing their attitude as well. The results show that most of the people are familiar with green and sustainable products and have already purchased some in their life, however it is still not the most important factor when it comes to attribution of products. Mainly, they are motivated as they believe that this is the least they are able to do for the environment. They also feel it is a responsibility to care for the environment and that it is important for them save the planet and its wildlife, and only a negligible portion thinks that the green movement is a popular trend to be followed. The main issue, why people would not buy sustainable products, might come from the high prices and the low quality of them, and not surprisingly many people also believe that these are only marketing tools to make people buy more or rather even greenwashing, so it seems that the public is aware of these fake advertisements, however this is not as bad as it seems at still makes people think about green and considering what to buy and to be more careful about their purchasing behaviors. My research shows clear patterns between the scientifical literature and my own findings through the questionnaire and the in-depth interviews. All the main questions have been answered and have been the result which I have anticipated before conducting my research. It is delightful to see that so many people are aware of their actions and tend to look out for their habits and what consequences those might bring with them. Although, the green movement seems to be a new trend it roots back to the 1970’s, it has been reforged since and have adopted a wider scale issue, but the goals are identical. The message to save the world is clear and have been with us since generations (Peatti & Charter, 2003). DataReportal – Global Digital Insights. 2021. Global Social Media Stats — DataReportal – Global Digital Insights. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 November 2021]. Peattie, K., 2010. Green Consumption: Behavior and Norms. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 35(1), pp.195-228. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-environ-032609-094328 Szakály, Z. & Popp, J. & Kontor, E. & Kovács, S. & Pető, K. & Jasák, H., 2017. Attitudes of the Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability Segment in Hungary. Sustainability, 9(10).
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar
Kereskedelem Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | green consumer behavior, green influencer marketing, green lifestyle, green marketing, sustainability |
SWORD Depositor: | User Archive |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | User Archive |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2022. Már. 22. 08:20 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. Már. 22. 08:20 |
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