Korda Bernadett Nelli (2021) Fashion Industry’s Online Communication. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
Introduction The dissertation deals and analyses the fashion industry’ marketing and online digital communication. It was narrowed down to the fashion industry not only because of personal passion for fashion but because the fashion industry has faced more challenges in the digital world than any other business sector brand or product. (Other products such as electronics, cars, toys, household appliances are easier to retail on the internet) The world of fashion differs from any other industry. Every industry and product uses fashion one way or another, however it is only the fashion industry that relies solely on fashion. For example: Apple and Tesla designs are fashionable but it is a car or an electronic appliance mainly with clear attributes that are easy to explain. An Iphone has a professional camera with a 16-megapixel wide-angle camera. Other products with less or more or the same pixels are comparable. This is exact. A T-shirt is a T-shirt no matter what. However if the T-shirt is from Louis Vuiton and not from GAP it means and feels completely different. Fashion is not exact, it is not objective. Fashion is very subjective and therefore it is quite difficult to comprehend why one brand is more successful than others. Obviously if the subjective part is taken out the and focus is on what is objective and measurable the difference is significant from brand to brand. One area to see how the fashion world reacted to the recent changes in our life is digital marketing. In the fashion world branding is everything. The name, the colors, the logo is what makes the brand marketable and makes it or breaks it. Of course there are other factors that contribute to the success of a fashion company such as foot traffic, production cost, delivery, high street visibility and so on but mainly it is a feeling and perception that consumers look for in a fashion product. To maintain their position on the market the brand has to evolve and make use of the existing technological advancements and follow the IT trends and the challenges that social media creates. Fashion products are hard to sell via the internet. It is natural that one would try the clothes and shoes on. There are some accessories that sell well on the internet but, it is quite obvious that fashion purchases are in person purchases. Unlike other product purchases, shopping for fashion items is also an activity that one wouldn't usually do alone. Shopping fashion is also a way to connect with your friends and loved ones, and it is considered an active pastime for many. (husband and wife, family shopping, or friends shopping together) It is pretty safe to say that classical print advertising is decreasing as digital takes over. Online communication is the largest growing segment of digital marketing. (Print, TV, Billboard is not.) This is mainly attributed to the fast emergence of e-commerce, (Amazon, Ebay, AliExpress), growing use of social media and sadly the recent world Covid-19 pandemic. The way online communication has shaped our shopping preferences changed an industry that was mostly “old fashioned”. In the digital advertising, and communication world a company has to face challenges from within and from outside of the industry. Even with the best algorithms and sophisticated filters used by Google and Facebook it is still possible that other products would be displayed that could divert the consumer from looking at a particular product. Fashion is all around us, and every company wants to be fashionable and trendy. Luckily the fashion industry ‘s target group is highly sensible and are early adopters to the newest digital advancements. (Iphone users, app users, instagram) The aim of the research is to see how the Fashion industry adapted to the digital age challenge and how the customers benefited from online communication. The results of their marketing efforts can be easily monitored through the digital world. Rise of new technologies in digital marketing raised some hurdles for the industry and at the same time it also aided the fashion world as well. The reach is now bigger, the information flow is faster and if used the right way, it can substantially add to the growth and profitability of a brand. In addition a new dimension was created with the appearance of influencers. The existence of online influencers added a new layer, dimension to grow the target group. In the past the fashion world mostly used celebrities to influence the market, now influencers are changing this trend. ( instagram,tiktok). As a result of the digital advancements the fashion industry has strengthened their online apparences and adapted to the virtual markets. (Vogue, Elle, GQ,) Research Aim The aim of this research is to see how the Fashion industry adapted to the digital age challenge and how the customers benefited from digital marketing. Research Questions In order to reach the goal of the proposed title, one needs to ask connected and analogous questions to the topic. The main questions would be: What is the effect of online communication on consumer purchase? What type of advertisements customers prefer? Digital or print advertising? Is digital more effective than print? What is the role of social media in advertising? Print/TV/ Online
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar
Kereskedelem Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Fashion brands, Fashion indusrty, marketing, online communication, Online survey |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2022. Már. 22. 08:17 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. Már. 22. 08:17 |
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