Nord Stream 2: A perspective of political and economic aspects in German and Russian Energy relations

Ganbaatar Ganchimeg (2021) Nord Stream 2: A perspective of political and economic aspects in German and Russian Energy relations. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Abstract The Corona crisis is currently on everyone's lips and concerns politicians and citizens alike. But before that, there was an issue that can be considered one of the most controversial issues in contemporary international politics. We are talking about the Nord Stream 2 offshore pipeline, which will transport natural gas from Russia directly through the Baltic Sea to Germany and thereby double the capacity of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline that is already in operation. However, Nord Stream 2 is not yet in operation, construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was completed earlier this year in 2021. Opinions are divided about Nord Stream 2. What is primarily an economic project for some is a highly political matter for others. Narrative stands against narrative and they reveal different perspectives and interests. In this thesis I am concerned with the consequences of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline for German energy security. Using the interdependence theoretical approach according to Robert Keohane and Joseph Nye and a working definition of the term energy security is intended to provide an answer to the research question "What impact does Nord Stream 2 have on German energy security?" should be found. ·         Under what conditions does the potential for conflict emanating from Nord Stream 2 persist and which developments and which political risks appear plausible? ·         What can German politics do against the background of the various scenarios to defuse potential conflicts and minimize risks? At the outset, the hypothesis is put forward that the USA has an argumentation, according to which Germany is making itself dependent on Russia through the Nord Stream pipelines - in particular Nord Stream 2 - and thus Germany's energy security is at risk, is not applicable because turning off the natural gas deliveries to Germany would have negative consequences for Russia. This thesis work is divided into six chapters: The first chapter deals with the interdependence theoretical approach, the concept of energy security and its relevance in foreign policy. Then, in the second chapter, The controversial Nord Stream 2 Pipeline is ​​presented and, with the help of various statistics, the imports and the importance of natural gas as an energy source are highlighted. The third chapter then deals with Germany's largest natural gas supplier: Russia, as well as German-Russian energy relations and the semi-state energy group Gazprom. Chapter four describes the political problems of import dependency and discusses the effects of the German energy transition on import dependency. Chapter five is devoted to the Environmental and climate change issues. The Nord Stream 2 project will first be presented and then the possible security risks for German energy security will be discussed. The sixth chapter focuses on German-Russian interdependence. Finally, the findings of the individual chapters are summarized in a conclusion. This should also provide an answer to the research question posed at the beginning.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék




Nemzetközi Gazdaság és Gazdálkodás (angol)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Baltic Sea, energy security, Gas exports, Nord Stream, Pipeline
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2022. Már. 08. 09:12
Utolsó módosítás: 2022. Okt. 14. 09:32

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