Górová Regina (2021) Psychographic workplace attitude and behaviour typology of the digital generation’s entrants to the labour market. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.
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Regina Górová_KVIK_Psychographic workplace attitude and behaviour typology of the digital generation’s entrants to the labour market.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Csak nyilvántartásba vett egyetemi IP címekről nyitható meg Download (16MB) |
Absztrakt (kivonat)
Research is conducted depending on the Big Five personality traits and the level of self-esteem. Not only awareness, the need and demand expands in the field of psychological, mental health services, life coaching and therapy currently more than ever. This study is planned to identify the room for improvement in the workplace related necessary skills of the digital generation’s now entrants to the labour market, which potentially infers the demand for more common application of mental health related services in the labour market. The study is based on the curiosity about the entrants’ resilience, notion of an ideal workplace and the motive behind their behaviour connected to work. Research questions are related to how much is the digital generation psychologically and ingeniously adequate for conducting everyday tasks, facing and solving difficulties, both in social and solitary exposure in the labour market, and how is the market prepared for the digital generation’s entrance. Information were gathered by primary research, a mixed method containing surveys and interviews were applied. The Big Five personality traits and the level of self-esteem are measured by two questionnaires, analysed based on the given answers to eighteen deciding statements preponing the attributes to the traits. The other part of the analysis measures mental resilience, problem solving skills, where the variable is the resilience itself, observed by how likely they would quit the job. Interviews from the entrant’s and the HR’s side are conducted to measure the level of interference and the consonance. The segmentation is focused on finding correlation between self-esteem, openness, conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, neuroticism levels and workplace attitude, problem solving, interpersonal skills and mental stamina of young entrants. Understanding the potential relation between the given personality traits and attitude, in this regard examining the digital generation’s openness towards mental health services. Based on the survey, the Big five personality traits are associated with the skills and resilience, creating the workplace attitude typologies, based on the conclusion is deductible. Findings identify psychographic segments of the digital generation in order to understand the main typologies to realize how they beseem, how they differ and what possibilities are in the field of mental health services to facilitate the incorporation for a brighter future.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar
Kereskedelem Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | digital generation, entrants, labour market, psychography, typology, workplace |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2021. Szep. 22. 09:42 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2021. Szep. 22. 09:42 |
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