Impact of e-commerce on the brick and mortar retail industry

Cavicchiolo Cristofer (2021) Impact of e-commerce on the brick and mortar retail industry. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

[thumbnail of Impact_of_e-commerce_on_the_brick_and_mortar_retail_industry_Cristofer_Cavicchiolo_OZ26WJ.pdf] PDF
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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Examining the impact that internet and electronic commerce has on physical stores and overall the retail industry. The objective of this research paper is to analyze the changes, examine the different approaches to how consumers, but most importantly businesses cope with the constant innovation of technology. Covid-19 created some difficulties for retailers, however, there were some methods with which they could cope with the rapid change. The inspection should also show the clear positive and negative outcomes of the impact of electronic commerce.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Kereskedelem Tanszék




Kereskedelem és marketing

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: business, e-commerce, e-marketing, internet, retail industry
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2021. Szep. 22. 09:11
Utolsó módosítás: 2021. Szep. 22. 09:11

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