Desautels Simon (2021) The impacts of increased data security needs for SME, Larger enterprises and Organizations. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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SYNOPSIS Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze the impacts based on the differences, if any, between the costs and challenges faced by SME compared to larger enterprises and organizations. I will address the possible costs impacting companies’ victims, or not, of cyber attacks and data breaches in general and more specifically of the economics of the small and medium companies and up to the large corporate entity and organizations. By completing such analysis, it should be able to further assess the needs of those enterprises and optimize the costs of doing business (i.e., is it cheaper to prevent the attacks than to mitigate it when it happens). Disclaimer 1. While the initial research should be more focused on the data security aspect of the IT security a hacker or a badly intention person needs to first compromise a system to obtain the data it seeks. Keeping that in mind the broad term cybersecurity can be used, in most case, interchangeably with data security. While not all cyber attacks are intended to compromise the data, most of it has it as the main purpose, therefore for the purpose of this paper the assumption, if not otherwise specified, is that a cyber attack has the purpose of compromising the data in some way. Also, certain types of cyber attacks (i.e., a cryptocurrency mining malware) can have an impact on the servers’ performances, that decrease in performance can bring up issues of availability of data caused by the slow down of the servers. 2. In this paper the term Large Enterprise will, except if mentioned otherwise, refer to Large Enterprises and Organizations. In most of the literature there is often no distinctions since they are similar in the fact that they are large, employ several employees and can have similar financial and HR resources. 3. The term SME, Small and Medium Enterprise, is interchangeable with SMB, Small and Medium Businesses. In North American literature the term SMB is used while SME is often used in other region of the world. Hypotheses For this research I identified two hypothesis that, I think are relevant and related to understand the context and effects of cyber attacks and data breach sustained by the businesses around the world. - I hypothesize that, generally, the cost of securing the data and IT systems is proportional to the number of employees an enterprise employ. Research Questions To stay on topic, I am going to revolve around the following questions to investigate my hypotheses. - Are the costs of securing data the same for SME compared to larger enterprises/organizations? - Are the impacts of a cyber attack the same for a SME compared to larger enterprises/organizations? - Is the process of securing data/IT infrastructure the same? - What are the aspects of securing the resources that are the same for SME and larger enterprises/organizations? - Do the Human Resources (HR) need the same? - In case of a successful attack and/or data breach is the recovery process the same? - Is the data on cyber security widely available for research purposes? Ultimate Presumptions 1. The size of the enterprise cost to secure a system or to account for damages should be proportionate to the number of employees in the enterprise. 2. A smaller company should be less targeted for cyber attacks than a larger company. 3. Smaller companies need to worry less with implementations of cyber security measures. 4. Impacts of a cyber attack should be proportionally more damageable to a larger enterprise. Methodology: The Methodology that will be used in this case will be to answer key questions that will help finding answers to the main thesis topic, The impacts of increased Cyber Security for the SME, larger enterprises, and organizations. To ensure the proper accuracy of the quantitative data of the information analyzed in this paper only current available and verified information will be used for analysis. This data main includes statistics, economics reports, corporate analysis, impacts reports and technical literature. I expect that most of the information will come in the form of qualitative statements from professional in the available literature since the information has to be, in most case, anonymize to reduce the public impact on the enterprise’s victim of a cyber attack. I will also try to refer to high profile events, but not linger on them, that were reported in the last few years and that has high visibility. Those cases tend to be readily available and have been scrutinized extensively.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | corporate governance, cybersecurity, economics, enterprise, Small business, SME |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2021. Szep. 22. 08:35 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2021. Szep. 22. 08:35 |
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