Barna Róbert (2021) The transformation of global commerce, finance, inequality, social mobility and digitalism in terms of international relations and globalization during and after a modern pandemic. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The unexpected happenings triggered by the novel coronavirus effected the global communities and created international problems. The situation initiated new rules and changed immediately the global playing field. Advanced and developing countries, the wealthiest and the ones living in extreme poverty, the individuals and whole multinational corporations were stricken by the pandemic within a blink of an eye all across the world. According to the hypothesis of this paper the alteration of globalization is inevitable and will be required in the future. Countries and leaders have to focus on long-term scenarios in order to restructure the pillars of the global arena and to facilitate the recovery processes all across the world. The differences and inequalities were highlighted during the crises and have to be alleviated in the post-pandemic times. The transformation did reach every corner of the globalized world and initiated humankind to find innovative ways to maintain relations. Furthermore, reconstructed international connections and networks have to be implemented in the future to avoid possible external global shocks. To achieve the long-term goals, countries have to cooperate and reshape the fragile and vulnerable parts of their international systems. As the viral-situation escalated, the branches of globalization had to be limited. The volumes of international commerce, finance, social mobility and investments were reduced almost completely for a while. Inequalities started to deepen. Digital flows of data increased rapidly. Countries had to adapt and defend their own citizens, but on international levels the others in need have to be supported. However, policy of isolation and nationalist ideas started to expand and national prosperity became top priority international cooperation is still extremely important globally. According to the main hypothesis of this paper, international commerce, finance, inequality, social mobility and digitalism will experience serious alterations in the post-viral times. The five main pathways of globalization were examined in detail to discover the cause- and effect processes in the aspects of international relations. It can be stated, that the volumes and rates of global trade will experience a steep slow-down, the financial processes and openness will be reduced significantly and during the following years (until complete global vaccination coverage) social mobility and tourism will be limited. A gruesome fact should be highlighted, namely that inequalities will accelerate and deepen especially in developing and poor countries without significant external solutions, resilient safety networks and long-term scenarios. Digitalism will be further developed and the availability of the newest technological innovations will be accelerated unstoppably. Both positive and negative effects could be observed from the beginning of restrictions which will be significant after the end of the viral-situation. It is clear that our pre-pandemic lives and behaviours were unsustainable in the long-run. We have created a global network based on mass-consumption and we are exploiting the resources limitless until nothing remains. Coronavirus pandemic forced us to stop for a moment and re-think our actions. This was the greatest sign of alarm in the history of modern globalization and hopefully we are still in time to change our excessive behaviours. I would say that besides the negative and gruesome effects of the pandemic, humankind finally realised that alteration is inevitable and that unsustainable and obsoleted systems shall be restructured. Hopefully we are still in time to change our behaviours and have the opportunity to create an innovative form of life with strong pillars in order to prevent catastrophes, shock and crises in the future. It is obvious that countries are interconnected and dependent on each other especially during global problems, but if humanity aims to achieve better living standards all across the globe societies have to cooperate and re-establish their connections towards a mutually beneficial, responsible, conscious and sustainable new form of global network. The chance is given, the rest depends on us.
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | commerce, COVID-19, digitalism, inequality, pandemic, tourism |
SWORD Depositor: | Archive User |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Archive User |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2021. Szep. 22. 08:31 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. Okt. 06. 12:46 |
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