Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds

Szentpétery Szidónia (2020) Green, Social and Sustainable Bonds. Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar.

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Green, Social and Sustainable Bond__ Szentpétery_Szidónia_BA_M4MN0J_.pdf
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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Summary (Abstract) of the ThesisDue to climate-change and global warming, society needs to decrease the pollutions, gas and oil usage and greenhouse gas emissions in order to keep up a preferable and favorable future for everyone and to create an environmental-friendly world. Global warming is a daily problem nowadays and also in the past century since industrialization has started. Need at least half a century to comprehend how we could create a healthy Earth for society, also there are some technical tools that have been invented to try to reduce pollution, such as electric cars and solar cells/panels. Global warming has caused several damages around us, for instance floods, tsunamies, tidal-waves, melting of glaciers. Overpopulation is another major problem recently, because infections and viruses could spread rapidly. This is a huge issue that Earth should face to. This topic is chosen to write my thesis about because I think that global warming is such an important issue in our lives recently and some arrangements must be done. The Earth has to be healthier for us and for future generations as well. That is why MNB (the Hungarian National Bank) has already seen the opportunities about launching green bonds which are as green as they are expected to be. Green bonds could help us to make our future better and also for solar panels purchasing. Green bonds have the chance to finance the environmental problems with them. After experiencing many global problems, MNB has taken its first step forward and is trying to restrain the global problems about the environment. Some green labelled products and services could help us according to my thesis about the Program of MNB. The purpose of green bonds are to restrain environmental issues and also to make Hungary a competitive country. The green bonds are provided by external and internal initiatives and to create an ecological, financial sustainable future for the country. With green bonds the country could go from normal to green widely for financial systems. MNB has been analyzing green things and its financial impacts including green products by financial institutions. These green bonds are only available for investors and mutual funds. MNB has made a prediction about impacts of greenhouse gas emissions on economy by financial sector which is showing that physical risks has been growing exponentially through years, but if MNB starts the implementation of reducing greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible, it will change our environment we have now. The sooner it will be realized, the less economic, financial and environmental risks could be avoidable. Investing in green bonds should start in 2025 at the latest. Green Finance has been a brand new financial opportunity and it was announced in 2019. The development of Hungary in financial, ecological and economical ways with Green Finance is a favorable step of MNB. There are several countries which already have green finance. Green finance is a market-based financial segment, but having a green product, we also have to ask: which product is green, why does a product considered as green? Taxonomy is the only one that is answering these questions. Unfortunately, Hungary does not have any green labelled products nor services yet, but there are some green purpose goals products. The Strategy of MNB will present about The Sustainable Capital Market Strategy, which is about its market that could make green bond market available for financial investors and financial services. Also the Strategy allows Hungary to be as an ecological and socially useful offering investment opportunities. Another important strategy of MNB is Green Retail Lending in Hungary. This program is about showing that Hungary needs some development and more innovative tools to make our environment greener. Restoring buildings, maintenances of renovation of buildings, heating and cooling systems. This program is about to reduce as much kg CO2 per capita as possible, because it damages our environment. Lastly, I am presenting The Green Bond Principles (GBP) which is about a providing guidance on the key components involved in launching green bond. It was launched in 2018 and its aim is to increase environmental effects in a right way beneficially. GBP recommends a clear process and disclosure for issuers, which investors, banks, underwriters, placement agents and others may use to understand the characteristics of any given green bond.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar


Pénzügy Tanszék




Pénzügy és Számvitel

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: gazdasági és társadalmi fejlődés, gazdasági fejlődés, környezeti kockázat(ok), környezetvédelem, kötvények
SWORD Depositor: User Archive
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): User Archive
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2021. Már. 16. 13:16
Utolsó módosítás: 2021. Már. 16. 13:16

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