Cam Ömür (2021) Turkey’s Involvement in the Syrian Civil War Within the Dichotomy of Soft and Hard Power. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The Middle East concept was first introduced by the American naval historian Alfred Thayer Mahan in 1902. Mahan defined the geography between the Arabian Peninsula and India with the concept of the Middle East. Since then, the concept of the Middle East has been changing with different political dynamics. Syria’s role has been essential due to its geopolitical position in the region in its relation with the other countries. Turkey and Syria have had a longstanding relationship with roots back to the Ottoman Empire. The Levant[1], the region where Syria is located, is the cradle of civilizations with big strategical importance, and plentiful natural sources, with a coast to the Mediterranean sea. Therefore, the region has also been a scene of rivalry between the great powers of the era such as France, Britain, USA, and both pre- and post-Soviet Russia. This essay aims to provide an understanding of the historical process of Syria and its political and historical relationship with Turkey, the latter having the longest land border and strategical importance to Syria. In this regard; the conceptual framework of the international relations approaches, such as the use of hard and soft power by the great Powers of the era are respectively dealt with. Contemporary analysis of Turkey and Syria entails evaluation of different components. In this manner, this thesis’ mission is to look at the historical background of the territory, to look at the political history of Syria and to the multi-actor involvements in order to understand the evolution of the approaches to soft-hard power of Turkey towards Syria. Turkey’s increased close relationship with Syria and the Middle East since the rise of the Justice and Development Party, should be analyzed according to this framework. Recognizing how many foreign policy changes are included in the aims of different states, the national integrity from the point of Syria, international politics and responses of regional dynamics points out who aims at what in the Middle East and Syria. Henceforth, as the region has been passing through critical processes, the present situation of Syria could be analyzed broadly. Within this framework, this paper aims to identify the significant break points for the countries involved in Syria by analyzing their political backgrounds and then figuring out the existing attitudes of Turkey and Syria towards each other under the shadows of the gloomy scene which has been going on in Syria. [1] The Levant region comprises Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Israil and Jordan. These countries cover a combined total of nearly 730,000 square kilometers, or around 0.5 percent of the world's land area, and the region has a Mediterranean coastline that stretches for roughly 500 kilometers along its eastern front
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | gazdasági segítség, Közel-Kelet, polgárháború, politikusok, public relations, Szíria, társadalompolitika, Törökország |
SWORD Depositor: | User Archive |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | User Archive |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2021. Már. 01. 13:06 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2022. Okt. 06. 12:47 |
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