How to increase the sales of Addinol Hungaria Ltd’s lubricant products in the Hungarian price elastic market?

Kasza Kristóf Gábor (2020) How to increase the sales of Addinol Hungaria Ltd’s lubricant products in the Hungarian price elastic market? Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The thesis aims to research the possible ways to increase the sales of Addinol Hungaria Ltd‟s lubricant products. To be more specific, the thesis is dedicated to find the best method in order to increase sales of a premium oil brand in the Hungarian price elastic market. After theories are studied a research is carried out in order to give final recommendation for the company on the research topic. The lubricant market is such a special market where there is not really a subsidiary product. There are many companies on the market who are trying to establish their future by selling lubricant products. The Situational Analysis covers the company‟s current situation in the Hungarian oil market according to economical, political, technological environment. Also it describes the strength and weaknesses of the company. In order to be able to increase its sales efficiently the company has to build up a marketing strategy by selecting the right tools that meet the given business environment characteristics. The Theoretical Background analyses different aspects which can help Addinol Hungaria Ltd to increase its sales. Such marketing tools are the promotion mix, Kotler‟s 4P and the plus 3P. ISO 9004 accreditation plays as well a huge role to keep the heavily gained market position. The analyses of these materials showed the importance of choosing the right tools in order to reach the desired outcome. The Conceptual Model represents a summary of the first two parts as it gives the different factors influencing the desired situation of the research. According to the above mentioned factors and the given oil market situation in Hungary, it was concluded that the following factors can build up the marketing strategy for Addinol Hungaria Ltd: Process improvement (ISO 9004 accreditation), Product and service improvement (new product introduction, increase the level of oil analysis), Promotional mix (personal selling, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion) and Distribution channel (word of mouth, agent distribution). These are the moderating factors that have effect on the dependent variable which is the increase of sales. Based on the Conceptual Model, a research was carried out. This research included a deep interview with József Cserti the company‟s CEO and a sales data analysis for a six month period when the marketing strategy was implemented. 4 The Recommendations part gives the final conclusion of the thesis. In this part the results of the research are analysed and communicated in forms of recommendations for Addinol Hungaria Ltd. The results shows that the introduction of a new product line, increased level of oil analysis and the usage of the promotion mix‟s tools have significant role in the increased sales. The company could develop an efficient marketing strategy by using these recommendations. In order to gain deeper insight in the topic, further researches should be carried out by Addinol Hungaria Ltd.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi gazdálkodás szak (angol)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Addinol Hungaria Kft., eladásösztönzés, marketing mix, reklám, steep elemzés, swot elemzés, árérzékenység
SWORD Depositor: Archive User
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Archive User
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2020. Nov. 29. 19:46
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. Nov. 29. 19:46

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