Marencsák Noémi (2015) Successful drug launch strategy in Hungary - based on the example of Victoza. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
I have decided to write my thesis about pharmaceutical product launch strategies, because of three main reasons. The topic of pharmaceutical marketing was touched during my studies at the university, but we did not learn about it very deeply, back then (when I had no idea, that one day I will be working in the pharmaceutical industry) I have already been thinking how great would that be to research a topic or a sphere that not many people has deep knowledge about. So my first reason was to fulfil my university dream and make a research in a narrowly known topic. My second motivation was that I have started to work as a marketing assistant at Novo Nordisk® in 2013 as my second job, and when I have realized that I feel I found my place and I enjoy working there – so I will most probably not change employer in the close future – it was obvious for me that I have to hand in a thesis that is about our company. The third reason was that I definitely want to continue my studies in marketing, so I thought if I gain knowledge and experience in a barely known segment – where as a continuation I plan to write my master thesis later on as well - I might gain enough experience to become an expert in this field. In the sphere of pharmaceutical marketing I chose product launch strategy because our company is in that lucky position that will have more products to launch into the Hungarian market in the upcoming years and I as a member of the marketing team will witness it closely, so I wanted to have knowledge about the topic. Writing about Victoza® was because I believe that is one of our most successful products, and it was extremely interesting for me, what had happen if a product such successful had to be launched to times to the market? I wanted to figure out how the first launch went? What were the followed strategies? If there were any mistakes done, maybe in targeting, messages or simply just in the delivery of the launch? I wanted to get to know what have changed to the re-launch? What were the differences and similarities? What were the learning points? I wanted to match the answer of these questions with the things I have been reading about in the books I have found regarding the topic, so I could check how much the company had followed the steps of a launch suggested by the literature. And as a conclusion I wanted to be able to compose a strategy with steps that would ensure the success of any kind of drug launch for the first time. Also I had several assumptions to be proved true or false: 1. Pharmaceuticals are building from inside, they have the needed knowledge for their operations mainly from the experience of the past years. 2. People did not even realize that there were two different launches of Victoza®. 3. The strategies created in books cannot be replanted into the pharmaceutical industry. For this I wanted to listen to different stakeholders’ opinion I wanted to use the knowledge of every possible parties involved. I have started with the sales representatives because I know they are critical about the system, they do not see behind the strategies, they deliver what was created by someone else, so mainly they are the ones who feel it on their own skin, how the strategy created in the office working in the field. I asked them in interviews to provide them a safe environment where they can freely state their opinions because I ensured them I will keep their anonymity. After them I wanted to ask a doctor, to choose the proper person I asked help from our medical department, and they suggested me a person who have been working with us for many years already so he have seen both launches and he for sure has an opinion on both. I asked him as well in a form of an interview so he could comment on all the questions openly. He was a huge help since he also commented things I have not even asked in order to give me wider understanding on the topic. And the last group I asked was the experts group which I put together from the top management of our firm. I believe those people have the most knowledge regarding the topic of my thesis and they could give me the most important insights. During my reading and then analysing the interviews I made the realization that the books provided strategies would work on the real life examples if they could change their content after every “it depends on” since what I have realized that pharmaceutical marketing is a field where everything depends on something. That something what might define the outcome of any action can even be as simple as the weather, because if on the launch meeting it was raining so participants had a bad mood and they were not so open for the clinical studies’ results and they were frustrated by all the branded surrounding they might became irresponsive towards the product so they refuse to try it so they do not prescribe it to any of their patients for a while. Of course this is just an exaggeration but it is important to remember that on top of the clinical facts and results there are humans and the face to face visits and the actual sales is delivered by human beings so human factor as such cannot be neglected. That is why literature in this area is hard to follow and the fact that human lives depends on the products pharmaceuticals produce, promote and then sell it is essential to examine different cases, different opinions, different types of patients, doctors with different attitude and different knowledge level while creating and delivering a launch plan. This is why it is extremely important to listen to the “it depends on”-s, I have tried to do it in my thesis and I believe I have enjoyed writing it so much, because it worked.
Magyar cím
Sikeres gyógyszerbevezetési stratégia kialakítása Magyarországon - a Victoza példáján keresztül
Angol cím
Successful drug launch strategy in Hungary - based on the example of Victoza
Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola
Marketing Intézeti Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Gyógyszeripari marketing, Termékbevezetés, Stratégia |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Hegedűsné Orbán Éva |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2016. Máj. 19. 15:26 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2016. Máj. 19. 15:26 |
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