Improvements of employee experience measurement framework in the spirit of organisational excellence

Lugosi Manuéla G. (2019) Improvements of employee experience measurement framework in the spirit of organisational excellence. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

IMPROVEMENTS OF EMPLOYEE EXPERIENCE MEASUREMENT FRAMEWORK IN THE SPIRIT OF ORGANISATIONAL EXCELLENCE Author: Manuéla Genovéva Lugosi International Business Economics Training Programme, International Business Enterprises Specialisation Supervisor: Tibor A. Miskolczi Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to analyse and provide Siemens with improvement ideas on the existing Self-Assessment framework on getting Stakeholders feedback and demonstrating the importance of the correctly carried out Self-Assessment with the presentation of the previous 2013 and new 2020 EFQM model. The theoretical research besides the EFQM (the European Foundation for Quality Management) Model’s and RADAR’s evolution describes the definition of quality; history of TQM, Deming’s contribution to these topics, the establishments of the Excellence Models and the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence. The study includes the short history of Siemens, the Lisbon Tech Hub and the analysation of SGES, the Siemens Global Employee Survey. Siemens is using a quarterly carried out questionnaire, which surveys only focuses with its questions on the organisations in the company, but cultural and locational differences only measured if applicable. Lisbon Tech Hub (Siemens’s IT Delivery Center in Portugal) seems not relevant for these questions as they were never included in the surveys for the location, despite the multicultural and multi-customer environment. According Donatus I. Amaram’s Article in the Journal of Diversity Management (2007, Q4, p.5) “practicing managers have a dialectic responsibility in deciding not whether, but when and how to exploit and capitalize on the positive attributes of cultural diversity while avoiding its downsides”. The article proves that cultural diversity has to be seen as an important aspect of organisational management and as they are not, the results cannot provide relevant information and indicate the actions necessary to improve the Tech Hub, which raises the following questions: Would the Siemens Employee Survey provide more relevant information if the questions were more culture and location specific?; What is the general opinion about the questionnaire? and How would employees improve the framework? To find the answers to these questions a questionnaire has been carried out among the employees of SOP IT APD GD departments in the Lisbon Tech Hub. Based on PESTLE analysis these five departments have been selected the most fit for the survey. The participation rate is almost 55% and the item number is 104, therefore the results can be considered relevant. After the analysation of the answers five statements have been formed in order to improve the existing SGES framework. Hopefully Siemens’s management (but at least the leaders of the Tech Hub) will take the results and the improvement notions of the study in consideration and in the future the actions defined and executed based on the SGES results will provide quick, easily recognisable solutions for the emerged issues.


Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi Gazdálkodás

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: EFQM - EFQM-modell, TQM, Munkavállalói elégedettség, Dolgozói elégedettségmérés, Szervezeti kultúra
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Turányi Nóra
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2019. Dec. 13. 11:21
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. Már. 03. 14:25

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