Kalinics Veronika (2019) The Complexity of Physical Inventory of Product Demonstration Units. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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The Complexity of Physical Inventory of the Product Demonstration Units.pdf Hozzáférés joga: Csak az archívum karbantartója nyithatja meg (titkosított dolgozat - engedéllyel) until 2029. December 03.. Download (9MB) |
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HivatalosBejegyzes (3).pdf Hozzáférés joga: Csak nyilvántartásba vett egyetemi IP címekről nyitható meg Download (110kB) |
Absztrakt (kivonat)
Introduction: Large enterprises are essential for national economy. In the European Union the total number of large-sized companies equal to 0.02% of the total businesses across the states, yet this sector brings one of the highest values-added reaching more than 40%. Disregard to the fact that they have competitive advantage due to their market and financial position, still a lot of the businesses suffer from poor inventory management. In many cases in order to keep inventory level balance, and ensure that the virtual amount corresponds the reality, the physical inventory approach is used. The study took place in GE Healthcare, enterprise that is involved in global medical device manufacturing. The company wants to understand the causes of the inventory loss and reduce it to minimum. Purpose: The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the reasons behind the physical inventory losses and then to propose managerial suggestions presented to deal with the issue. Method: The study is considered as a quantitative research. Data collection is mainly received through the secondary sources of GE Healthcare data bases. Primary data was collected through the interviews with the shared service demo team members involved in the procedure of annual inventory count. Data analysis follows the theoretical framework. Conclusion: Due to the volume of the production, large enterprises can suffer from the inventory loses. In order to eliminate them, it is highly recommended to look over the inventory itself and perform physical check on at least annual base. The author analyzed the collected data and established that the reasons of inventory loss are mainly caused by poor inventory management.
Magyar cím
A termékbemutató egységek fizikai leltárának összetettsége
Angol cím
The Complexity of Physical Inventory of Product Demonstration Units
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék
Nemzetközi Gazdálkodás (angol nyelven)
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Készletgazdákodás, Ellátásilánc-menedzsment, Készlet, Termékbemutató, Reklám |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Turányi Nóra |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2019. Dec. 03. 10:51 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2020. Feb. 28. 10:05 |
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