2008 vs 2020’s potential economic crisis in Europe (The insurance industry)

Turiák Bence Márton (2019) 2008 vs 2020’s potential economic crisis in Europe (The insurance industry). Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

Synopsis:Turiák Bence-V2MKGF While I was considering my fair amount of options concerning the topics available for the thesis, an idea came to my mind. As an international economics student personally, I always loved to observe the invisible mechanisms of the economy which drives our everyday society’s life. This led me to the conclusion regarding to my topic. During my thesis I will observe one of the most recent world economic crisis which took place in 2008. The overall goal is not only to observe its causes, results, effects to Europe’s economy, but to draw some conclusions and as well similarities connected to another potential crisis which could take place in 2020. As for the actuality, I believe there is hardly any topic which could be exploring an even more up to date issue in the 21st century. These facts especially apply if we take into account how devastating was the previous crisis for many households, entrepreneurs and mostly to all people whose country were drastically affected by the created financial mess. The importance to exploit the topic of another crisis is given, just like many economist and experts have been already stating for about a year that another economic downturn is right around the corner. After being updated on the current economics throughout the internet on daily basis, for me this topic seemed given by the current state that Europe and the whole world is experiencing. Since I am working in the insurance sector during my internship, along with the many other aspects, I will observe the crisis in Europe from the perspective of the Insurance companies and the behavior of customers during the period of the crisis. Also, it will be observed how the sector as a whole effected by a financial crisis, next to the examples of previous ones. The analysis will begin during the 2008 crisis, how did the products of such company experience it and how did the claims regarding the insurances did the same. This will follow up a comparison as well, that how could be the sector affected if in 2020 another global crisis would burst out in Europe. The observation will partly rely on certain presage before the crisis, during the crisis and on the aftermath of it. During my writing concerning its structure I will follow the advice of my consultant, to state certain hypothesizes according to my topic and after exploring the related information connected to the hypothesis it will be decided, either it is accepted or rejected. This writing should make clear what exactly a financial crisis is and all the related presages, dangers that can cause such economic disaster. After exploring the 2008 crisis happenings, effect, aftermath and all the related causes, the reader should be clear of the whole phenomena. Just like the 2020 potential crisis, how could it occur and what can be its effects. The insurance industry got a great role in the writing since of my current workplace. What is a crisis in the insurance sector, how can it affect the market, the products and how can the companies defend against, was all covered during my writing. Hopefully my thesis helped the reader discover new facts.

Magyar cím

2008-as válság vs 2020-as lehetséges válság Európában. ( A biztosítási szektor)

Angol cím



Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi Gazdálkodás (angol nyelven)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: 2008-as gazdasági világválság, Európa, Biztosítási szektor
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Nóra Turányi
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2019. Nov. 28. 13:34
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. Jún. 08. 05:48

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