Expatriation research on international career

Jin Zhiming (2019) Expatriation research on international career. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

ABSTRACT Main factors of international career The aim of this thesis is to study the main factors which influence the initial and development of international career,then try to build an effective frame to analysis the way of success in expanding personal career at global level.Basing on established measurement method,the business strategies of globalization,foreign direct investment,merge and acquisition,the situation of expatriation to foreign country and personal plan of advancing international career could be further decided.I followed the checklist approach,by considering which factors are heavily weighted in the aspects of international career,the rating of these factors could be decided from the relative information exist in online database.The overall assessment can be concluded by gathering all these measurements.The introduction explains the conditions of working abroad.Expatriated by the parent company to another country usually is the the starting step of international career.We should think about all the possible benefits and risks before we take action.Especially when we want to set up business and make it bigger and better.There are several aspects of international career,career environment,career rewards,career expectation,career inertia.In the aspect of career environment,most people consider the working field,interference factors,the degree of comfort,transportation.The career rewards includes political,economical,cultural,and social.Career expectation is about the fulfillment of decision,the development of specialty,the satisfaction of psychology,and the idea match.Career inertia involves features of fixed way of thinking,behaving,observing,and improving.all these elements decide the direction and process of someone`s international career. The first chapter suggests that the career environment is mainly about the surrounding of personal living and working place.People could created more turn outs when they have better relaxations.The working field can not be very crowded,otherwise the air and space will not enough to make a stretch.We can make more valuable products without interruption.The bed and chair should be soft and cozy so we can relieve out accumulative fatigues.Traffic jam should not prevent us to perform out talent timely and accurately.The second chapter concentrates on the career rewards which should be generally sized up.There should be no political risk and the possibility of war and regime changing is at zero level.Economic reciprocity,cultural integration,social stability will be examined at certain degree.

Magyar cím

Külföldön végzett kutatás a nemzetközi karrierről

Angol cím

Expatriation research on international career


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Nemzetközi Gazdaságtan Tanszék




Nemzetközi Gazdaság és Gazdálkodás

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Külföldi munkavállalás, Kutatás, Migráció, Karrier
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Turányi Nóra
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2019. Ápr. 26. 09:45
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. Feb. 28. 10:01

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