Shendryk Kseniia (2018) Challenges and perspectives of the immigration policies implementation during the migration crisis in the EU. Case studies of Germany and Hungary. Külkereskedelmi Kar.
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Since 2015 the whole world and especially the European Union have been facing the growing problem of mass migration from the Middle East and African countries. It is affecting the European countries in various ways including economic, political, demographical and cultural aspects. The actuality of the topic lies in the fact that an overwhelming number of asylum seekers were registered in the European countries during 2015-2016 which evokes the need of the comprehensive research in order to establish a proper EU immigration policy based on the best solution and approach. Germany has proved to receive the greatest amount of registered migrants, while Hungary was the greatest “transit country” in 2015-2016, however different approaches to the handling of the migration flows were used by the governments of these states. The study aims to answer the following research questions: 1. Do the migration policies of the EU countries, namely Germany and Hungary prove their effectiveness on the common EU level? 2. What are the possible solutions to raise this effectiveness? The hypothesis of this research states: if the immigration policies of the EU countries, particularly Germany and Hungary display rather a separation than solidarity, they are not effective enough to handle the problem of migration crisis. Furthermore, it also means that the revision of the EU immigration policy would have been needed to raise its effectiveness. As for the methodology, the case studies of the migration policies of Germany and Hungary is done. The case studies include an overview of the development of the migration policies over the timeline of the events, the statistical data on the arrivals, approvals and rejections rates, the asylum application procedure as well as the legislative changes in the asylum law. The comparative analysis on the basis of conducted case studies is also present in the research. The literature includes the statistical data provided by the governmental, EU and international organizations, including the press releases, infographics, social researches, annual reports and other forms of publications. In addition to that, the analysis of the asylum legal system of each state and the EU regulations and legislative agreements is done. The structure of the paper is covering the following issues: the origins of European migration crisis of 2015-2016 (origins and destinations of migrants, main migration routes, the development of migration flows to the EU and its effect), case studies of migration policies of Germany and Hungary; the comparative analysis based on the case studies (including administrative, regulatory and legislative aspects); the impact of migration policies on political life and social response; and the suggested solutions of the migration challenge. Analyzing the immigration policies of Germany and Hungary, the vivid differences between them were found as the following: different overall directions of migration policies at the first stage of migration crisis (Germany’s “open-door” approach and Hungary’s “securitization” measures), legislative changes (in Germany strived to accelerate and ease the asylum seekers’ procedures, giving them higher chances of approvals, while Hungary’s new regulations restricted them), approvals rate of asylum applications (one of the highest in Germany among the EU member states and extremely low in Hungary), regulatory and administration systems and integration programmes (development and implementation of hem in Germany and lack of them in Hungary), participation in the EU Resettlement and Relocation Plan (active participation of Germany and rejection of Hungary, followed by the case against the Council of the EU in the ECJ), to some extend rising populism and anti-immigration campaign (organized by the Hungarian government and not used by the German government, although by the German right-wing parties). However, a number of similarities between the migration policies were found: impact of the chosen migration policy on the political scope (effect on the parliamentary elections), impact of the media campaigns targeting migration issues on the social acceptance of asylum-seekers and refugees (decreasing in both countries), concerns on the security issues (although not followed by Germany directly, but represented through the introduction of new legislation and regulations on data collection and deportations rate increase). Moreover, the research provides an overview on the possible reasons for the different choice of the migration policies (difference in the political powers in the governments, strive for populism, administrative and regulatory preparedness to handle the issue, existing asylum laws, overall openness to multiculturalism and cultural and historical backgrounds of the states). In addition, the motivation for self-proclamation of Hungary to be a transit country, as well as the securitization measures, are explained by the possible outcomes unfavorable for the government (due to the Dublin regulation possible responsibility for handling the review of the applications, which could result in the further rise of a number of applications). According to the analysis of EU laws and general EU values and principles, it was concluded that a number of legislative amendments on the national level and even the EU-level agreements are not always in the connection not only with the EU values and a common migration policy plan but also with the universal conventions such as the 1951 Refugee Convention, UNCRC and other. The hypothesis of this research which states “if the immigration policies of the EU countries, particularly Germany and Hungary display rather a separation than solidarity, they are not effective enough to handle the problem of migration crisis” is proved. According to the conducted case studies and the comparative analysis of the states’ migration policy the research questions “Do the migration policies of the EU countries, namely Germany and Hungary prove their effectiveness on the common EU level?” cannot be answered affirmatively, but rather negatively. This leads to the reasonable statement of the second research question in order to identify the measures for the improvement of the migration policies on the EU level. The last part of the research provides the answer to the research question “What are the possible solutions to raise this effectiveness?” Overall, the following tools and measures for the improvement of the effectiveness of the migration policies on the common EU level were found and proposed: the disadvantages of the Dublin system have to be found and alternative regulation to be established; the organization of reception, administration and coordination facilities in all EU member states; the introduction of the solidarity options for attraction to the participation of the member states; fundamental human rights should be respected and protected; the integration programmes have to be launched on the EU level; the improvement of methods of dealing with irregular migration; the provision of better communication with migrants and the European community; the improvement of methods ensuring lawful and safe access to the EU; tackling the root causes of migration. Keywords: migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, Germany, Hungary, the EU, the European Migration Crisis, immigration policy, the EU Resettlement and Relocation Plan.
Angol cím
Challenges and perspectives of the immigration policies implementation during the migration crisis in the EU. Case studies of Germany and Hungary
Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem
Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
Mű típusa: | diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT) |
Kulcsszavak: | Migráció, Esettanulmány, Európai Unió, Németország, Magyarország |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Szabó Zoltán |
Rekord készítés dátuma: | 2018. Máj. 07. 10:07 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 2020. Már. 24. 10:43 |
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