New product launch in the Hungarian medical market

Holló Barnabás (2017) New product launch in the Hungarian medical market. Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar.

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To begin with, this thesis was written in order to assist the process of launching a new product in the Hungarian medical market. The product launch initiated by the goggles of Kozmomed Ltd., a Hungarian micro company, which tries to trace the market situation, thus finding the void market opportunities and give answers of filling them. I have tried to reveal the special features of the Hungarian medical market from the aspect of business-to-business world in the fields of infusion devices. So in the infusion equipment marketplace if one wishes to be successful, first the collection of data and information in detail must be available to precisely follow the business plan according to the marketing strategy. Having based on correct market facts, the marketing tactics avoids business-mistakes to occur or it helps to minimize them to roll on. Since I have done my practice work in this area, there I have developed an inside view of the operation and maintenance from the point of marketing to the sales and financial aspects of infusion equipment via the micro company of Kozmomed Ltd. My tasks and duties were to assist in the preparation of the infusion product launch in the medical market. This company is present in the medical market more that two decades and has vast amount of experience and as well reputation in the healthcare services. Using the company’s knowledge and my experience, I have collected and structured the related information definitely. First of all, I have made quantitative researches in order to know the number of the infusion pumps in different kind of user institutions by using systematic observation. This is important for the knowledge of the market shares by each company and their brands. The next is the depth-interview, which helps to understand the target customers preferences and desires of an ideal product and to know their needs. Lastly, based on the Hungarian Statistical Office data, the number of Hungarian hospital beds by institutions and the number of hospitals by types allows concluding the size of the Hungarian market. Undoubtedly, nowadays in the well-developed markets, it is not enough to launch a product without any researches and strategies. Also it is necessary to form a working concept based on facts of the market done by researches, inside knowledge and own experience. During planning the marketing there might be difficulties to face with. Accordingly, I would like to raise some questions related to the specific parts of the strategies and results of the researches that were taken into account to form the tactics. But before I begin with the questions, I would intend to state my influence of initial strategies that I have applied by interpreting the Marketing warfare of Al Ries and Jack Trout. The questions that will be answered in the thesis: 1. How to stand out from the crowd? What kind of unique sales points to use to be successful? 2. What marketing strategy to apply in the product launch process? 3. Who are the target groups of infusion devices? 4. How to set the initial prices? These questions were aimed at the purpose to successfully launch the infusion devices taking care of external and internal factors. Revealing the difficulties of obstacles and bypassing the for coming pitfalls initial surveys of market shares and depth interviews were made in order to factually know the details of the market, not to “shoot away from the target”.   My thesis is separated into many components by different topics: The infusion devices: Here the product is being introduced in a general form. Also the categorization and its types have been described by the most important factors, so that the reader might understand the application fields and their basic features. Moreover, the service time and general needs of the devices are adumbrated in elementary ways: the duration, necessities and maintenance needs. Also the special accessories are appearing. The market information: From the global and through the European market the Hungarian marketplace is described. In this section the customers are segmented into small groups within basic attributes of Hungarian hospital system. This ends up in a hospital comparison by infusion devices’ brands. Here the seven institutional comparison tries to draw conclusions of the market shares and also tries to reveal the differences between the user institutions. Competition analysis: At this section the reader might have a quick review of the three major players in the infusion market. Their global and Hungarian business fields will be considered within the philosophy and market share. Own product information: Firstly, the manufacturer company (Medcaptain) is introduced. It reveals the philosophy of the company and its priorities. Then the selected infusion equipment are extracted with respect to its particular aspects. Finally, the unique selling proposition is plated, so the advantages of the pumps are presented in detailed comparison with the competitions’ products. Competition and own company SWOT analysis: Here the strengths, weaknesses as internal parts of the organization and the opportunities and threats as the external part of the organization is examined first by the aspect of the three competitors and lastly by the aspect of the micro firm: Kozomomed Ltd. Chosen Marketing strategy: The marketing tactics encompasses the previous topics, so the reader might acknowledge the meaning of each part in one trunk. There the chosen marketing strategy is extracted and explained why it is the most suitable for Kozomomed Ltd. The application of the guerrilla warfare and its accompanying strategic branches are explained and gain meaning in accordance with the pricing.

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New product launch in the Hungarian medical market


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola


Kereskedelmi, Vendéglátóipari és Idegenforgalmi Kar


Kereskedelemi Intézeti Tanszék




Kereskedelem és Marketing (angol nyelven)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Marketing , Marketing strategy, New product launch
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Bakos Katalin Mária
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2017. Máj. 02. 11:07
Utolsó módosítás: 2017. Júl. 03. 11:22

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