The mediterranean sea shaping tunisian history

Allani Jannet (2017) The mediterranean sea shaping tunisian history. Külkereskedelmi Kar.

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Nowadays, geopolitics represents one of the most important fields of study concerning international relations. Nevertheless, its notoriety and impact just gained its importance. Historically, geopolitics existed but had never been identified. If we want to identify the real geopolitical weight of a country we have to trace back its history. The culture of every country is unique and owes it to its history and to its cultural brewing. The colonial era is over but had left different impacts on the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the geopolitical importance of Tunisia. This work covers three main parts. First, the understanding of geopolitics, its emergence and the modern geopolitical thinking. This first part allows us to have a better understanding of geopolitics as a new field of study and will give a better understanding of the specificities and complexities of the new world order and the new international balance of power. Second, the historical background of the Mediterranean Sea, as well as its importance today. This region represents a cradle of civilization and a crossroad of three continents: African, Asian and European. The Mediterranean culture relies on a shared history and a continuous cultural and economic exchange. Unfortunately, nowadays the region is going through a troubled period. Several events such as the Arab spring revolution, outbreak of civil wars, Islamic State emergence and economic crisis made the region very instable and weak. This wave of tragic events had changed its geopolitical environment. Finally, the last part encompasses the history of Tunisia and its new geopolitical environment. This part retraces the main events of the Tunisian history. This country had been a crossroad for different civilizations. The country strategic position, allowing it to be the first entrance to the African continent, to have direct access and openness to the Mediterranean Sea and to enjoy a good weather and fertile soil, made it very attractive to different powerful empires. Most of the civilizations settled for geographical, economical and political reasons. All these factors are related to its geopolitical environment and had built its cultural identity. Following the revolution, the country is going through a transitional period. Tunisia is now facing new challenges and difficulties. The post revolutionary era had created a new social state, a severe economic crisis and an unstable political situation, which are shaping a new geopolitical environment. The objectives of the study are to identify the cultural identity of Tunisia, to analyze its geographical position, to evaluate the impact and the role of the Mediterranean Sea and to analyze the perceptions of the international scene and their evolution over the years. It will start off by how the geographical position of Tunisia contributed to build its history? Secondly, how we can define the cultural identity of Tunisia? Finally what can be the outcomes of the new geopolitical environment the country is facing?

Angol cím

The mediterranean sea shaping tunisian history


Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola


Külkereskedelmi Kar


Világgazdaság és Nemzetközi Kereskedelem Intézeti Tanszék




Nemzetközi Gazdálkodás (angol nyelven)

Mű típusa: diplomadolgozat (NEM RÉSZLETEZETT)
Kulcsszavak: Tunézia, Mediterrán térség, Arab Tavasz, Franciaország, Történelem
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Hegedűsné Orbán Éva
Rekord készítés dátuma: 2017. Máj. 02. 12:01
Utolsó módosítás: 2017. Nov. 09. 13:13

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